The Student Room Group

Makes me feel awkward

Basically... my gf is doing alevel drama and for her exam there are some aspects of her part that make me feel a little awkward: For one thing; she has to act an orgasm on stage which I've already told her makes me feel funny so I may or may not be able to cope with coming to watch her perform. I feel really guilty about this as I really want to support her but don't think I could cope with it.
Next... tonight she tells me that she wants to be all love-bitten for her role and wants them to look genuine; I was pleased upon hearing this as it's not something we've really done since the early days of our relationship. The thing is that she says that she's gonna let her [female] friend do some too... this friend also happens to be my ex *headdesk* I know that it's just a bit of fun... but it makes me feel really awkward. Our relationship isn't in the best state it's ever been in so I feel disinclined to confront her about it... argh... I really don't know what to do.

btw... I'm having councilling for anxiety [the anxiety makes me kinda needy sometimes :frown:]
what XP?
Hmm this is weird. Especially about the love bites. Surely she could use make up. And about acting an's just a class I guess and you just have to come to terms with that.
ok the orgasm thing, its acting if she has to do it then youl just have to deal with it.

As for the lovebites well the phrase "suck it up" springs to mind. And as for the other girl allowed doing it you have two options. you can say no and that you dont feel right with someone else doing it.

Or you can watch a girl sucking on another girl
Yeah, quite.

Orgasm has to be done. At least it's fake. :p:

And I think you should agree to the lovebites as long as you are allowed to oversee the process... :wink:
Reply 5
Put it this way- at least you're not the one having to fake an orgasm on stage. I'm doing The Vagina Monologues tomorrow for A2 and we all have to. 2 of my best mates and my Mum are gonna be there.