The Student Room Group

Is there no way out?

I've decided to be brave, and not post anon because how I feel at the moment shouldn't be a secret. I feel so down, unable to do anything to the point of ALMOST suicidal(note almost, not completely). I haven't been to school properly in 3 or 4 weeks and I just feel like I'm unable to do anything. I don't want to socialise or be in open places in school and I feel like everyone has got something against me=[. I've got a drama exam next week and I don't turn up to enough practices due to how I'm feeling and I feel SO selfish but no one understands I can't help it. This sounds really teen angsty sorry=[. The reason this is in food and drink is because simply, I think it's to do with my diet.

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Reply 1
what do you think the connection is between your diet and the way you're feeling?

i think you should see a doctor, or a counsellor. it helps to talk about things, and the doc might be able to give u anti depressants.
I highly doubt it's your diet.
Reply 3
What else could it be?
Reply 4
Hormones? Stress? Family problems? Weather? It could be a number of things- maybe you'd like to post in H&R where more people go and therefore there are more people likely to be able to help you...?

Hope you feel better....:smile:
You need to see someone about this, you cannot go on being like this.
Reply 6
I've decided to be brave, and not post anon because how I feel at the moment shouldn't be a secret. I feel so down, unable to do anything to the point of ALMOST suicidal(note almost, not completely). I haven't been to school properly in 3 or 4 weeks and I just feel like I'm unable to do anything. I don't want to socialise or be in open places in school and I feel like everyone has got something against me=[. I've got a drama exam next week and I don't turn up to enough practices due to how I'm feeling and I feel SO selfish but no one understands I can't help it. This sounds really teen angsty sorry=[. The reason this is in food and drink is because simply, I think it's to do with my diet.

I've been feeling exactly the same as well :frown: i havn't been to uni all week because i've been so down, and with exams on hand in dates looming thats not a good idea. what i did do however is see a counceller, she just talked to me and i got a lot of feelings out, and although she didn't make the problem go away, things seemed much clearer.

i suggest seeing a GP, it sounds like you're suffering from depression, your GP could suggest an appropriate course of action. :smile:
Reply 7
Just when I get the courage to phone the doctor, I find out there's no appointments till next week.I just can't take it much longer :frown:
Reply 8
heyyyy. look, cheer up :smile: think of all the good things you've got going on. you're very pretty by the looks of your avatar up there... think about you as a person? basically think about why you're so great :biggrin:

at the end of the day, you've got to pick yourself up. sure, medication will help, but i find talking to somebody about this and just telling yourself that, look, i've got god knows how many years of my life to go, i need to sort myself out. take it day by day.

perhaps you could start school? i'm assuming you're off because you feel down and not because of some medical condition? go to school, don't worry about whether you're ready yet or not because there's never really a time to be ready. you just get up, go and see how it goes. if it's really awful you could always go home but make sure you're making an effort and not wanting to go home just because you've got nowhere to go at breaktime

i wouldn't rule out your diet being a cause of this completely. you could be totally right. why do you feel it's your diet? is it the amount or the actual content of what you're eating?
Reply 9
The amount I'm eating is only 1000 calories,about 5 times a week a lot of that is burnt off by working(I do stock and rotation) and gym. I don't know :frown:
Reply 10
do you think about food a lot? about how you must stick to 1000? are you obsessed basically? your low mood and poor level of patience/concentration for school could be because of this. do you think it's a possibility?
Reply 11
The amount I'm eating is only 1000 calories,about 5 times a week a lot of that is burnt off by working(I do stock and rotation) and gym. I don't know :frown:

At a push, you could maybe do 1200 calories with minimal exercise, if you were trying to lose weight. But only 1000 calories with trips to the gym... Your body isn't getting the nourishment it needs. No wonder you feel crap.

I don't think you need antidepressants - you need to eat better.

Is there a reason why you're on this crash diet?
Reply 12
Yeah I count calories all the time and plan my meals to ensure I never go over my limit, I have two treats a week and feel so guilty when I have them even though I count them in my 1000 a day limit.
FOod is like a fixation to me.
Reply 13
At a push, you could maybe do 1200 calories with minimal exercise, if you were trying to lose weight. But only 1000 calories with trips to the gym... Your body isn't getting the nourishment it needs. No wonder you feel crap.

I don't think you need antidepressants - you need to eat better.

Is there a reason why you're on this crash diet?

1000 excluding fruit though.
I used to weigh 12 stone before new year. I was so depressed and I knew I had to do something.
I now weigh 10 stone and I am depserate to get down to 8 stone 8 and then I think I will be happy with my weight and I can finally get back on track with a healthy balance of all food groups.
Reply 14
Yeah I count calories all the time and plan my meals to ensure I never go over my limit, I have two treats a week and feel so guilty when I have them even though I count them in my 1000 a day limit.
FOod is like a fixation to me.

It's not healthy, pet. How long have you been doing this for?
Reply 15
1000 excluding fruit though.
I used to weigh 12 stone before new year. I was so depressed and I knew I had to do something.
I now weigh 10 stone and I am depserate to get down to 8 stone 8 and then I think I will be happy with my weight and I can finally get back on track with a healthy balance of all food groups.

You know what, it's really hard taking that final push to lose weight. So congratulations for that - I know from experience that you have to really want it for yourself, to actually take steps.

How tall are you? I'm trying to figure out if 8 stone 8 is a realistic target for someone of your build.

But whatever your weight loss goal... Losing weight so rapidly is just not the answer. As you've discovered, it messes with your head and makes you feel awful. I'm not saying you should stop losing weight, but I think you need to look at your plan a bit more carefully and add in some more calories. It's great that you're going to the gym and watching what you eat, but it is possible to take it too far.
Reply 16
Mood can be seriously affected by blood/sugar level imbalances - I get it sometimes - it may well be your diet as a contributory factor and I reckon you should see a dietician to get to the bottom of it. Do this as soon as you can please ?
Reply 17
yeah lilian, see i think you've got an eating disorder and you're clearly obsessed with what you eat/what you weigh/what size you are.

well done for getting down to 10 stone in - what? - 3/4 months? see, you KNOW you can do it, there's no need to be so obsessed anymore. chill out. i'm not saying completely let yourself go and eat yourself to death lol, keep counting them if it makes you feel comfortable, but be rational. if you can afford two treats a week, ENJOY THEM. that's what they're for, no?? don't feel guilty because then what's the point of eating them?

getting down to 8st8lbs is your ideal yeah? well then you've got less to lose. you're already about two thirds of the way there which is excellent. don't quit school, don't feel like **** and don't not enjoy your days because of this. you know you're losing weight the right way, you've proved that by losing over two stone, just keep going with the flow and relax.
Reply 18
I'm 5"3-4
I think it's best if i quit sixth form. Maybe I can go into college in Spetember and do my A levels in new subjects in a new place or do a childcare course,Dropping otu now ISN'T the end of the world right?
Their's no point wasting my tiem failing my AS' when I fele like this
Reply 19
I really wouldn't drop out of school- you're doing ASs right? You've only got a year left then you can go on a gap year after your A levels. There's always the fear that if you leave now you won't go back then you're screwed with no qualifications....:frown: If you move schools or go elsewhere you'll be stressed about that on top of everything else. You've done really well to lose the weight, just don't let that consume you or let it be your life. You just keep eating heathily, don't worry and for God's sake don't feel bad if you have a snack!! You're here to enjoy yourself- relax and just get back to school- it will be hard but you're strong enough. If the worst come to the worst speak to someone and take a year out but I think defintely see a counsellor- does your school have one? Good luck :smile: