The Student Room Group

look it up! glasgow or leeds?

Hi I need to quickly make a decidion where to go I got an uncondinionall offers from leeds glasgow and kent unis, first two for civil engineering and last one for law and economics. im currently wondering which to choose between leeds and glasgow. can anyone tell me what reputation those unis have and which is recognized to be better in general? and one other question if all my offers are unconditinall do i still get to choose me firm and insurence oprions??
To be honest...they're pretty much the same, so far as I know. I've no idea about the specific subjects. But Glasgow is way more fun than Leeds, and more charismatic also! Come to Glasgow, I insist :smile:

Oh, and about your firm and pick them both, but it's rather pointless, haha. I had a conditional for Glasgow (MSc 4year) and an unconditional for St Andrews (BSc) and I picked St Andrews, so Glasgow was theoretically my insurance...
Reply 2
thanks mate:smile: i have one other question is glasgow a campus based uni or everything is pretty much spreded around? and how is it with leeds??
Well, Leeds is a campus based university and a nice one at that, whereas Glasgow is generally more spread out. The university area (the West End/Kelvinhall) is very pleasent though, with Byres Road with all the shops you'd need, and the ancient university buildings just at the bottom of the hill around there. The quadrangle is perhaps this nicest of it's kind I've ever seen (and I go to St Andrews where we have the famous St Salvator's quad).

Although this spread may seem like a disadvantage, most halls are within a 15-20 minute walk from the West End, which isnt too bad at all, although I recommend getting a taxi back at 3am if you're going on a night out, just incase!! Seriously though, Glasgow is a great place to live, as is Leeds, but I'd go for Glasgow if I were you, although I am biased of course, being Scottish :smile:
Reply 4
there are quite a few posts here that say glasgow is a rough place sometimes is it seriously that bad? is leeds any different or better in this matter? and what about atmosphere is it easy to make friends are scottish people sociable and one more thing do you know approximatetelly what is the % of foreign students at glasgow
there are quite a few posts here that say glasgow is a rough place sometimes is it seriously that bad? is leeds any different or better in this matter? and what about atmosphere is it easy to make friends are scottish people sociable and one more thing do you know approximatetelly what is the % of foreign students at glasgow

Having done my undergrad at York (20miles from leeds- spending lots of timethere with friends at leeds uni) and my masters in Glasgow.

I would have to say, go to glasgow. Better city, more to do, older more traditional university, 2 unions, one of the biggest cities in the UK. great entertainment (gigs, sports, bars). AS for foreign students, all uk unis have high chinese numbers so hard to gauge. But glasgow as an international city and a recent european city of culture, it is very welcoming to internationals.

If I was to choose I would say Glasgow, but its your choice.