The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Hey i meet girls all the time but as soon as tey find out that i am rich thats all they want me for basically. Iv tried not telling them im rich but that doesnt work because they find out. Anyone have any suggestions

try not to go for girls so shallow. go for girls you know will love you for who you are. not for money
Simple, transfer your money into my bank account et voila! :p:
Give me the money.
Reply 4
try not to go for girls so shallow. go for girls you know will love you for who you are. not for money

I have tried that, but i dont show off i got money so dont go to rich clubs or things or buy really expensive cars. I mean i have a mercedes SLK
Reply 5
How rich are we talking? maybe you should try and find rich girls who already have money so dont want yours. lol. just thought id add my 2 cents
I have tried that, but i dont show off i got money so dont go to rich clubs or things or buy really expensive cars. I mean i have a mercedes SLK

I'm far from poor matey and even I don't drive a merc.

Get a grip.
Reply 7
Yeah, with a car like that it's pretty obvious you have money. Trade it in for a beat up nissan micra and you'll notice the change :p:
Reply 8
Its a company car
Sell the Merc,and buy a Skoda.
Sell the Merc,and buy a Skoda.

skodas are good cars though :smile:
The problem is you obviously show off. Its so stupid, my dad is fairly well off but we're not materialistic and don't feel the need to spend ridiculous amounts of money on things; or for that matter, show off about it. No-one at uni knows about me because its not important, and I don't like talking about it (posting as anonymous because of this.) I've grown up around rich snobby people, and you say you're not yet you've mentioned your mercedes already.
Best thing to do, don't talk about money.
Reply 12
You know, if you associate with the right kind of girl*, they wouldn't give a monkey's **** about how well-off you are. Try hooking up with someone richer than you.

*Tip: The one driving the beat-up old Land-Rover, not the one driving whatever's new and flash.
skodas are good cars though :smile:

All the more reason to sell the Merc.
Date a rich girl, someone with more money than you!