The Student Room Group

Dr wants to see me - Smear test results...

I was just wondering if this is normal procedure or not?

Last week I had a smear test done by request of the doctor. I phoned up for my results today and the receptionist told me that the doctor has requested me to come back but not serious.

Is this stanard practice? Or have they possible found something?

I had the test done to rule out an infection being the cause of my breakthough bleeding on the pill but at the same time he changed my pill to up the eastrogen level as that could be another effect.

I'm worried now...
Reply 1
Don't be, I think sometimes results can be defective in that they're not clear enough to see if there's anything wrong or not, so they might want you back for another one or something?

No idea really...but yeah, try not to worry about it. (Easy enough for me to say, but you get me.)
Reply 2
Oh Damm I don't want to go back again...Not another one :frown:

Though surely wouldn't they be able to tell me that over the phone and get me to make an appointment with the nurse? As it was the nurse who did it last time and I use a male doctor (prefer them in most cases) but like a female nurse so do silly things like smears.........

Im sort of calming down. I physically can't have any infections because boyfriend is clear and his my first and only....I just don't like doctors...

Now roxi...CALM! :smile:
Reply 3
in my doctor's surgery they always call people in after smear tests because they don't like giving the information over the phone, and also if they don't find anything but you have a problem then they will want to discuss the possible causes. Just don't panic. At least they said it isn't serious.
Reply 4
I've been back TWICE and it has come back 'inflammatory' meaning there was so much discharge they couldn't see the cells, and I've been called back yet again. I had STD tests and BV tests etc in my uni clinic as a precaution and everything came back negative. That reassured me somewhat, but I'm still worried that they haven't been able to use the samples and I have to go back. It's probably fine though, most people who get called back, it's just for something routine or just as a precaution.
Reply 5
Thanks everyone. It must just be a normal thing so I've got nothing to worry about (hopefully)

IzzyWizzy, would it make a difference if I was discharging at the point of when the smears where done? As they were taken two weeks after the end of my period could this be possible? (I'm not that sure on how my body works tbh!)

Thanks again guys!
Thanks everyone. It must just be a normal thing so I've got nothing to worry about (hopefully)

IzzyWizzy, would it make a difference if I was discharging at the point of when the smears where done? As they were taken two weeks after the end of my period could this be possible? (I'm not that sure on how my body works tbh!)

Thanks again guys!

usually you are called back because of an 'inadequate sample' that might mean inflmammatory cells (i.e. a possible infection - if you had it with some swabs then the results of those should say what infection), it might mean not enough cells were scooped up (so they can't definately call it negative, or it might mean there are borderline changes - that is to say there are some changes present, but not enough to really stress about.
its quite likely that you'll need another smear i'm afraid. either that or you need some antibiotics for an infection
Reply 7
usually you are called back because of an 'inadequate sample' that might mean inflmammatory cells (i.e. a possible infection - if you had it with some swabs then the results of those should say what infection), it might mean not enough cells were scooped up (so they can't definitely call it negative, or it might mean there are borderline changes - that is to say there are some changes present, but not enough to really stress about.
its quite likely that you'll need another smear i'm afraid. either that or you need some antibiotics for an infection

Talk about the bearer of bad news!

Not only do I not like having to have these tests done It's a pain making an appointment and taking time out of a day to go with them!

Also if it was an infection then wouldn't they put it as urgent? I mean sooner the better right?
Ok, hope i dont sound stoopid but if your on the pill are you suppose to have a smear done at some point then?

Talk about the bearer of bad news!

Not only do I not like having to have these tests done It's a pain making an appointment and taking time out of a day to go with them!

Also if it was an infection then wouldn't they put it as urgent? I mean sooner the better right?

nah, if they specifically said 'non urgent' then its probably a a recall because of an inadequate smear.
but if they asked to come in asap - but said it wasn't serious then it might be an infection.
Reply 10
Ok, hope i dont sound stoopid but if your on the pill are you suppose to have a smear done at some point then?


No no I'm having a smear done because infection can be a cause of breakthough and I'm having that problem :frown: Although there's like zero chance I have an infection!!!!! LOL
Reply 11
Not all infections are serious and sex related. It simply could be bacterial vaginosis or something similar which I think can be treated with just some pills.

It sounds like it's most likely for some sort of re-test. Nothing to worry about at all
Well, I wasn't asked to come back immediately, but they made it sound important. Unfortunately I live in a different country to the GP and it's really, really difficult for me to get to appointments. When I was home for Easter the GP was away, and they refuse to do smear tests for women under 25 here Ireland so it's going to be six months before I can go back.

Not all infections are serious and sex related. It simply could be bacterial vaginosis or something similar which I think can be treated with just some pills.

Exactly. I had STD tests at my uni clinic just as a precaution and all came back negative. The dr noticed I had loads of discharge but said it didn't seem like an infection. Pretty sure she tested for some non STDs as well, so I'm not sure what it is but maybe you're the same? I am also on the Pill, and one of its effects is to make the mucus around the cervix thicker so I'm not sure if it could be that.
I am also on the Pill, and one of its effects is to make the mucus around the cervix thicker so I'm not sure if it could be that.

I went to the clinic lst week for a check up n all results came back negative but they did mention to me about tht mucus thingy, which worried me a lil bit but they said its normal for the pill to do tht.

No no I'm having a smear done because infection can be a cause of breakthough and I'm having that problem :frown: Although there's like zero chance I have an infection!!!!! LOL

Ahhh okey dokey, I was beginning to worry then tht I would have to have a smear done after being on the pill for 3years!


Reply 15
Not all infections are serious and sex related. It simply could be bacterial vaginosis or something similar which I think can be treated with just some pills.

It sounds like it's most likely for some sort of re-test. Nothing to worry about at all

Oh right thanks I didn't know that! (How dumb am I!!!) LOL Well I'm sure I will find out. I've calmed down about it alot now and I'm not really that worried. Just going to take it in my flow and as lots of you have said...It's non urgent so it can't be anything bad.
