The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Chances are they'll just confiscate the alcohol and tell everyone to go home.
Not sure what the actual law states but that's what happens in my experience.
Reply 2
Essentially everyone does that, best thing is to not let the thing get out of control so that someone phones the cops.

Also if an adult or 20 are there technically it's a little more hazy, private parties aren't covered the same way legally, I believe minors can be given drink at a private party as long as they are over 14, the only time I think police will get involved is if all hell breaks loose. Last time that happened to me, they arrested the people involved who were still there and by then most people had left anyway, but then most were just shy or over 18 anyway.

Frankly what happens in your house so long as it's not bedlum is your own affair, within reason.

By the way I'm no legal expert so if this is wrong and you spend a night in the cells, you aint seen me right?
Reply 3
Right, so i've got a house partay coming up and we're just on the otherside of the legal when it comes to drinking...

What can the 50 do should they come in and find minors drinking alcohol?

Whilst it is not actually illegal to drink if you are underage, it is illegal to supply/sell to underaged kids. Also, if you create too much noise from drunken stupidness then you could expect the jolly nice people from the local authority's noise control team to pay you a visit...if you piss them off on a frequent enough basis, you could have any music equipment taken away/have an injunction against you to refrain from having parties etc. Also, you could be done for nuisance under a civil suit, meaning that if you have some overly keen neighbours, you or your parents might have to pay up in damages for compensation if you make a racket. As other people said, it is likely that if the cops came they would confisicate your drinks but wouldn't do much else aside of closing the party done...the only time they are gonna come out and do this is if you cause a nuisance in the first place, so keep the noise down. I am studying law at uni but these sorts of things don't really form much/if any part of most Law courses so I wouldn't take this as an absolute statement of the law (there is likely to be a lot of provisions in several acts concerning this plus all sorts of different interactions with local bye-laws, varying from borough to borough, which makes it even more of a pain to be sure on).
The law basically states that you can drink alcohol in private providing that you are over five years old :rolleyes: . But if it all gets too drunken and noisy and the police were called, expect it to be confiscated and all of you sent home.