I would REALLY appreciate people's opinions on the following scenario. I'm devastated and its made me cry several times. I just feel like everyone is so mean! Please let me know what you think. I changed the names for privacy:
Two of my friends, Maya and Lily, and I decided that we would go to prom (dance for upper-classman, pretty big deal in American high schools) together if we didn't find dates. Because there are very few eligible guys at my school, we went on a rampant search for men outside of our town so we would all have someone to go with. I asked George, one of our mutual friends from a different school, if he knew anyone who I could meet who might be interested in going. He said he'd introduce me to his friend Eric. I was giddy and excited to meet Eric so I told Maya and Lily about him, and they seemed happy for me. I was very careful to always be on the lookout for someone for them. George introduced me to Eric but we didn't really get a chance to talk so he said he'd call me again so we could meet in a different situation. He never called, but I still thought there was a chance that he would. I kept Maya and Lily up to date on everything because I thought we were working together on this.
Later, I found out from various people that Maya was going to the prom with George at his school, which happened to be on the same night as ours. I was upset that she abandoned Lily and I since we had promised eachother to go together or all with dates. I noticed that Maya started to act strange around me. I told her that I couldn't wait to meet Eric again and I was going to call George to see if he could speed up the process of getting us together again, but she just acted strange and changed the subject.
Yesterday I found out from an outside source that Maya is in fact going to the prom with Eric. She was lying about going to George. I'm so upset because I thought he was kind of reserved for me. But what I'm really disturbed by is the fact that Maya never said ANYTHING to me. She not only abandoned our promise, but she stole what I thought might be my date. I would have called her to see if it was OK with her if I had been in the same situation, especially because we had talked SO much about this together. In school today she ignored me. Distraught and hurt, I called Lily to tell her about it. She didn't seem too bothered by Maya's actions, saying "She probably just didn't know how to tell you." She also proceeded to tell me that she's had herself a prom date for two weeks now. So I'm left feeling screwed and manipulated and dateless.
I just don't understand how people can be so conniving and mean. I took our promise very seriously and would never have considered breaking it. I'm not that bothered about going to the prom, although it would be fun, but I am very, very upset and confused by my "friends" actions. I feel very betrayed. Another thing that added to my feelings is that the EXACT same thing happened to me last year but with two different friends. I'm really a nice person and I just understand people sometimes!
Do you think I'm overreacting or is it understandable that I feel so hurt?