The Student Room Group

girlfriend advice


Me and my girlfriend have been going out for about two months in total and we havent seen each other for three weeks (both been working everday and live opposite sides of the country).. we are going back to uni on sunday and I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions on anything I could do for her... ie not something too corny; yet something that says I've really missed her.

Also this is the first relationship where I havent actually gone 'out' with a girl, as in go to dinner or something... we usually just hang out or get pissed with friends in a bar ;D. I was just wondering, would most girls be expecting the guy to ask her out for dinner.. or is it a sign shes not up for it by not mentioning it. Its never been a problem before for me.. but I was just wondering.

Your help would be appreciated!

Tom x
Take her somewhere outdoors and beautiful, sit and watch the sunset/rise (i recommend set its more time friendly :p:).
Reply 2
Yeah, and take a picnic as well

Me and my girlfriend have been going out for about two months in total and we havent seen each other for three weeks (both been working everday and live opposite sides of the country).. we are going back to uni on sunday and I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions on anything I could do for her... ie not something too corny; yet something that says I've really missed her.

Also this is the first relationship where I havent actually gone 'out' with a girl, as in go to dinner or something... we usually just hang out or get pissed with friends in a bar ;D. I was just wondering, would most girls be expecting the guy to ask her out for dinner.. or is it a sign shes not up for it by not mentioning it. Its never been a problem before for me.. but I was just wondering.

Your help would be appreciated!

Tom x

My boyfriend would probably either buy or cook me dinner, if we go out for a meal we would move on the the pub for few drinks we would either meet friends there and go on to a club or go back to his place or mine, either way it would end in some serious bedroom action.
Reply 4
I've never been on a proper 'date', as in, out to dinner or something. Honestly, I don't want that and I would be quite surprised if someone suggested it. Not many people I know ever do things like that. I'm much more comfortable just staying at one of our houses, where he'll sometimes cook me something, or wandering around aimlessly. I don't like formality. A picnic would be pretty cool though :smile:
Reply 5
Taking her out to dinner is a lovely idea and even if she doesn't ant to go I am sure sure will 100% appriciate the offer. I hope you have a lovely time! :biggrin:
Reply 6
The picnic sounds wonderful, I say go for it. If you want something slightly more casual though - cooking her dinner would be great too :wink:
Reply 7
Yup, any girl loves to be taken out. Offer to take her out for a meal-somewhere nice. Maybe she's just too nice to say 'Oi you, I want you to take me out for dinner. NOW!'