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Addictive. They can give you big muscles, but don't give the same results as proper bodybuilding. Your muscles have to grow WITH your body, otherwise they'll be poorly toned. Have a look at some wrestlers, you'll be able to tell the ones who are on steroids by the way their muscles have developed. The ones on steroids will usually have scrunched up veins along their muscles, and will bulge a lot more instead of having a smooth healthy tone to them.

It's harder work, but I would seriously recommend doing things the long way, instead of taking a drug to give you unnatural growth.
Depends what steroids people are taking, but my general knowledge is that they have the biggest impact on your heart. Hence the trouble bodybuilders have later in life, and are prone to heart attacks.

Although they would argue that it depends how responsible you are with them, just in the same way negative affects could be found by high sugar/alcohol/nicotine intake etc...

Just depends on how responsible you are going to be with them really.

P.S. if you want a more consise answer, post in Fitness, and some people might give you a few useful links.
Reply 3
they can make you really fat. If you are given shots of steroids because of an injury for example, they can make you put on loads of weight. Plus the shots are damn painful.
Reply 4
Ive been taking steroids since I was 2 1/2 I am now 17. They stunt your growth, impact your bone density, leave you with oestoperosis, heart problems, over weight.
:eek: steroids since you were 2 1/2
i heard steroids can give you manboobs
Reply 6
steroids are for idiots
Reply 7
steroids are for idiots

they are if you take them by choice, but for me they manages to allow me to regain use of my arm after a shoulder injury, so I don't think using them for that makes me an idiot, especially since it was that or major surgery.
Reply 8
glucocorticoids are anti-inflammatory steroids...

they aren't the same as anabolic steroids, which are abused by body builders...
Reply 9
I was on anabolic steroids because I destroyed all the muscle in my shoulder. I do know the difference
Reply 10
firstly what kind of steroids are you talking about. secondly if you mean like the one some bodybuilders take, they shrink your balls, give you big muscles, you cant be part of any professional sport as the use of steroids is illegal, also it would be like starting puberty again, i.e. growing facial hair, again...but lots more! so longer an thicker hair growth. there are lots of cons but right now i cant think of any more
Addictive. They can give you big muscles, but don't give the same results as proper bodybuilding. Your muscles have to grow WITH your body, otherwise they'll be poorly toned. Have a look at some wrestlers, you'll be able to tell the ones who are on steroids by the way their muscles have developed. The ones on steroids will usually have scrunched up veins along their muscles, and will bulge a lot more instead of having a smooth healthy tone to them.

It's harder work, but I would seriously recommend doing things the long way, instead of taking a drug to give you unnatural growth.

they aren't addictive.

And original poster - you need to specify whether ANABOLIC steroids, or medical steroids. THey aren't the same.
Reply 12
it's blatantly anabolic jamie...

only steroid addicts that can't get hold of anabolic steroids inject themselves with glucocorticoids... lol :wink:...
Depends what kind, Synthol? Winstrol? What?
They shrink your balls. But then so can many things.
Reply 15
It amazes me how you lot think you know so much about steroids. Oh they shrink your balls, they give you heart problems etc. What are you basing your theories on? Some poxy GCSE P.E course?

I suggest you watch this.
Reply 16
8 eugenius
:eek: steroids since you were 2 1/2
i heard steroids can give you manboobs

proper manboooobs - it's so easy to point out the muscley men on the street that use steroids.. cause of their shexxy jubblies.
Reply 17
what are the cons of it? Out of curiousity - not interested in taking them. Thanks.

Asthma like diseases that respond to nothing are treated with steroids.
People who take anabolic steroids imo are losers, when im in the gym or up town i can tell from a mile away if someone is using them, as an above poster said their tone is all wrong and not natural looking, they look like a ****ing monkey with the way they walk around lol.
well steriods make your bones crack, your penis shrinks, your body sometimes grows out of proportion.

Basically you turn into a min0r and trust me you dont want a midget pensi. it aint worth it plus they are illegal. oh yer u get excessive facial hair.