thanks guys, my "lazy ass mum" says she will try phone the doctors for me in the morning while im in my exam then "get someone at work" to txt me my appoitntment time, because she refuses to learn how to text... *sigh what can i do with her!* If she doesnt i will call in the doctors in person on my way home from Uni, and demand to be seen if they refuse ill get my stinky foot out in reception and wave at at them ahahha, I won't but wouldn't that be funny!
Too late for a and e now my parents are asleep, it is the law to not disturb them, when i broke my finger once at 1am i disturbed them and they just tried to make me go to sleep i scremed so much in the end my dad took me to hospital and made me feel guilty about how work will suffer and he wont get a bonus and ill have to get an extra job to pay for bills and all this guilt trip! then half way through me waiting said he was going to drive home to sleep and i could "find my own way home" (3am by this money on me) convinved him to stay but he was arsey for months!
NHS website says to get the shot within 2days because thats how long it takes for the infection to start or something similar.