The Student Room Group
Reply 1
my bf would put it on and backhand me across the face if i bought him that.

no, seriously hun, it's a little tacky :frown:

but if it's his...erm...'style'....then i wouldn't worry too much, it doesn't look anything like a wedding/engagement/commitment ring, it just looks like a bit of jewelery.
I don't wear jewelery personally but can't really see the problem.
my bf would put it on and backhand me across the face if i bought him that.

no, seriously hun, it's a little tacky :frown:

but if it's his...erm...'style'....then i wouldn't worry too much, it doesn't look anything like a wedding/engagement/commitment ring, it just looks like a bit of jewelery.

It's not the one i originally wanted to get him, the one i really liked i don think they have anymore.
This one This page was in my favourites but when i went on the website i couldn't find this ring.
Reply 4
i'm another one who generally doesn't wear jewellery due to work etc. but i wouldn't find it strange or think it implied anything more than an anniversary/anything else present :biggrin:
Reply 5
I think he'd e chuffed and wear it all the time, and whenever he looks at it, he'd think of you :biggrin:
(ofc, he'd be thinking of you all the time right ^^)
Reply 6
I would be over the moon if my girlfriend bought me that. But that's down to personal taste.
Reply 7
Yeah its nice you should go for that, I wouldn't think it was weird at all! I would suggest that you don't take style advice from someone who addresses internet strangers as "hun". Happy anniversary btw :biggrin:
my bf would put it on and backhand me across the face if i bought him that.

no, seriously hun, it's a little tacky :frown:

id be more likely to slap my gf* if she went and spent 60 quid on a piece of jewlery.

In sayin that i suppose its a nice ring. At least its not bright shiny silver like a soveriegn or something. Actually it looks kinda like a washer lol.

*DISCLAIMER to all overly sensitive people on here who read far too much into things i would never incite pyschical violence on my partner - unless in was in a way she likes heh heh
Reply 9
Patterns: woof. One simple band of metal for me. If not a DVD or a DS game.
Reply 10
I would be flattered, but I'd never wear it. I'm not a fan of Jewellery beyond a cheap plastic watch. Oh how low maintainance am I!
Reply 11
I would be flattered, but I'd never wear it. I'm not a fan of Jewellery beyond a cheap plastic watch. Oh how low maintainance am I!

Nope nope by boyfriend doesn't even wear a watch...... :eek: :biggrin:

OP I thought you didn't have that much money to spend??? though it is quite nice :smile:
I would be over the moon if my girlfriend bought me that. But that's down to personal taste.

:dito: I'd be really pleased as well, delighted with it, wear it all the time, and I'm not really a jewellery person either - my watch is all that I usually wear jewellery-wise! Though for some reason I prefer the first one to the second :redface: but again that's just down to personal taste.

Reply 13
As some others have said, I'd be flattered by the gesture, but wouldn't wear a ring - I'm not a fan of jewellery.
But that's down to taste, so I guess if you are considering it, you must think he'll wear it so all is well.
Certainly there are no issues with what it means, I don't think it implies anything with regard to commitment, don't worry about it.