I'm being brave and going non-anon!
I want to ask a guy out (very 21st century) We've known eachother for a year or so and have done a bit of flirting but I think he's too shy to ask me out so Im going to be brave and ask him. What I want to know is if its too soon to get in contact. I havent been in touch since february but spoke to him at the weekend. Would it be too soon to ask him out? I already invited him out to an event I go to every saturday. Should I wait till he replies to my email that I sent or give him a call this weekend? Would it seem like pestering or being too keen to ask to meet him next week, even though I've unofficially invted him out this saturday? Im worried that he's too scared to come out if I dont ask him directly, like 'would you like to meet next week', rather than come along if you want to? I have liked him for ages and really want to see how he feels and see him more often. Urgh. Never EVER done anything like this before. Its a scarry journey!