The Student Room Group

Too soon to ask him out?

I'm being brave and going non-anon!

I want to ask a guy out (very 21st century) We've known eachother for a year or so and have done a bit of flirting but I think he's too shy to ask me out so Im going to be brave and ask him. What I want to know is if its too soon to get in contact. I havent been in touch since february but spoke to him at the weekend. Would it be too soon to ask him out? I already invited him out to an event I go to every saturday. Should I wait till he replies to my email that I sent or give him a call this weekend? Would it seem like pestering or being too keen to ask to meet him next week, even though I've unofficially invted him out this saturday? Im worried that he's too scared to come out if I dont ask him directly, like 'would you like to meet next week', rather than come along if you want to? I have liked him for ages and really want to see how he feels and see him more often. Urgh. Never EVER done anything like this before. Its a scarry journey!


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Reply 1
Go to thing on Saturday with him and then maybe do a dinner or two after? Just so he feels more at ease if he's shy :smile:
Reply 2
What if he doesnt come along on saturday? Im worried that he'l be too shy to say yes
Reply 3
say you'd enjoy his company and it would be fun to meet up? :smile:
Reply 4
Tell him to bring a couple of friends with him so he doens't feel too uneasy?
Reply 5
Arrange to met him somewhere beforehand for a drink?
Reply 6
Get him really drunk and then jump him.

A fool-proof plan. Good luck! Seriously, shy guys sometimes are grateful that the lady makes the first move, so go for it!
Reply 7
I think my plan is going to be to call him on friday and say Hi, ask if he's checked my email and see if he wants to come along. Then I could either A) Ask him directly if he wants to meet for coffee next week or B) say I'l call early next week. Thats providing he doesnt show on saturday. Urgh I'm useless at this. I really dont want to pester him. But surely having a girl interested is a compliment rite? ugh I dont know
Reply 8
of course it is. Ask him to come out without mentioning the word "date".

Dammit if a girl made the first move on me I'd be there like a shot.
Reply 9
I can't imagine he'd mind the female interest

Check with him about Saturday, just ask if he'd decided if he wanted to come then if he is, great and if not just say as someone suggested before "oh I'd enjoy your company/be nice if you came along"

Try just spending a bit more time with him in general and he may start getting the feeling that you like him, you never know, he might beat you to it then :smile:
just tell him to come along, let him bring mates like mentioned above cos it will def make him more at ease, then pounce on him an just get it out of the way. lol.
Reply 11
just ask him, i know if a girl asked me out and she was a nice, good lookin girl, i'd say yes, not like gf/bf, but i'd give it a chance on one date

whats the worse that could happen?

or just put out? but i'm assuming your above that :tongue:
oh i love it i'm in pretty much exactly the same situation and was about to post!general consensus is just do someone said what's the worst that could happen.but that said i haven't sent the sms yet. the boy knows i'd be up for goin for a drink and said 'later in the week' when we were talkin on sun but he hasn't followed up, does he expect me to?
Reply 13
oh i love it i'm in pretty much exactly the same situation and was about to post!general consensus is just do someone said what's the worst that could happen.but that said i haven't sent the sms yet. the boy knows i'd be up for goin for a drink and said 'later in the week' when we were talkin on sun but he hasn't followed up, does he expect me to?

maybe he's busy?

you have a very Summer Roberts-esque name, i take it your quite a girly girl, with a pink room and a pair of D&G sunglasses?

or your a 32 year old hairy dude named Dave
Reply 14
Im glad Im not the only one. Its such a diffiuclt situation to manage - us girls generlaly dont talk about asking people out so its a totally new thing for me.

I think im going to call him up on friday - ask if he got my email and ask him out. Whats the worst that could happen eh? Bit worried about how I approach seeing him afterwards - in the past we've gone out twice and then thats it - maybe he wants me to take the lead, I dont know. hmmm
good luck. hopefully you get some love
not really any of those,esp hairy dave but i was a HUGE my little pony fan though.
it sucks doesn;t it,and all the 'go for it 'advice in the world doesn't exactly make it anyless scary.i'v never asked anyone out first before but this boy is so shy that i think i have to.
Reply 17
Same here. And I thought I was the shy one! hehe. I find it diffiuclt to read him - but I think that judging by his shyness he does like me. Fingers crossed
Reply 18
Sorry to bump this thread but I just wanted to give an update.

I called him on Friday, was really scared to ask him to coffee so I waited till the end of the call and sort of said it in passing. Anyway yesterday he phoned to say he got my email and wants to come along to this event on saturdays and wants to make it a 'regular thing' :biggrin: Very excited :smile:

Thanks so much for your advice guy and girls. I guess it goes to show that girls can ask people out after all!
Reply 19
Aahh!! So how did it go last night?