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Reply 1
What sort of pain is it? Is the tooth coming through the gum so its 'teething' pain as such (ie sore, swollen gum etc) or do you have pain in the actual jaw or in neighbouring teeth? As I have a top wisdom tooth coming through at the moment (just coming through the gum) and a few weeks ago it was killing me- I had a huge lump on my gum, it was really swollen and painful, so I couldnt eat properly. Went to my dentist, they gave me some antibiotics and Ive had no problems whatsoever since :smile: It tends to flare up every now and again though, most of the time its fine then every few months or so I have problems again. I dont always go to the dentist though, I find ibuprofen works if Im in pain, but if it gets too bad then obviously I go back.

I recommend you see your dentist if you continue to have problems, Ive already had one of my lower wisdom teeth out, but it was nearly all the way through so I had it taken out at my dentists. It was just impacting a bit on the tooth next to it and I was getting really bad toothache.

It depends on the person- some people find they have severe pain with wisdom teeth, for some its bearable and some people dont get anything, so definately see your dentist if you are concerned at all.
Reply 2
There is a small, circular hole in my gum and i can see the tooth. It probably is just a teething pain. Although the tooth next to it is sensitive which it never usually is. I was really just wondering if you are meant to get them removed really. But I take it that is only if it is causing pain/discomfort after it has come through or if it isn't pointing straight. I'll just see how it goes and if needs be, go to the dentist.

Thanks :smile:
JEEZE they bloomin hurt. Mine were painful when they were coming through however, they have now stopped and are uneven, have grown @ an angle kinda thingy. Had to have fillings in them as well because they got on my nerves when eatin crisps especially!

Reply 4
Think I will stop eating crisps :biggrin: I've never had a filling and never want to have one!
Reply 5
-!- Drew
There is a small, circular hole in my gum and i can see the tooth. It probably is just a teething pain. Although the tooth next to it is sensitive which it never usually is. I was really just wondering if you are meant to get them removed really. But I take it that is only if it is causing pain/discomfort after it has come through or if it isn't pointing straight. I'll just see how it goes and if needs be, go to the dentist.

Thanks :smile:

If you continue to get more pain then go and see your dentist, but you might find that it settles down after a while, but you might get flare ups after that, which is what happens with mine.

Just keep the area clean, using a good antibacterial mouthwash is normally a good idea as it will help clean the area better.
Reply 6
They may be growing in the wrong position, which can cause damage to the surounding teeth as they rub against the tooth and damage it. Maybe you should go to the dentist if the pain persists to have this checked out?
Reply 7
Yeah I'll see how it goes. How long does it usually take for them to come fully out of the gum?
Reply 8
It varies, mine still hasnt come out properly, but its been trying to for over a year now, believe it or not, and only one corner has come through! It starts a little, then stops, then settles down for a few months, then it'll start again.
Reply 9
-!- Drew
I am just getting my first wisdom tooth now and it's slighty painful so I decided to look up Wisdom teeth on Google. Practically every site was going on about getting Widom teeth removed so I was just wondering if you are actually meant to get them removed or do you keep them or what?

Thanks, Drew

Wistom teeth generally are painful when they're coming through. You know when a toddler's screaming and crying when he or she is teething? That's pretty much what they feel, albeit in one area as opposed to the whole gum.

As one poster has pointed out they'll probably settle down after a while, but flare-ups can happen now and again. If they do and it's too much your dentist should take them out.
Reply 10
It varies, mine still hasnt come out properly, but its been trying to for over a year now, believe it or not, and only one corner has come through! It starts a little, then stops, then settles down for a few months, then it'll start again.

You ARE joking right? I'm not waiting a year like this! i think i'll have to start widening the hole myself to encourage it to come out haha.

Wistom teeth generally are painful when they're coming through. You know when a toddler's screaming and crying when he or she is teething? That's pretty much what they feel, albeit in one area as opposed to the whole gum.

Yeah, I know how my cousin felt now :wink:
My wisdoms started coming through about a month ago, you need to go to ur dentist who will see if you have enough room for them to come through without disrupting ur other teeth....if not.... they have to come out, you poor poor child
Reply 12
Mine just came out... hurt like mad... i didn't not sleep for three days... i kept crying and dozing off and wake up to an excruciating pain. This moment is immortalised in my mind.
Reply 13
I have 3 coming through at the moment, all have started within the past year. 1 of them's been going about a year, one about 10 months and one about 5. The year one seems about half through, there's a corner of the 10 month one through, and only a tiny bit of the 5 month one.
I've got used to the pain; if someone mentions it I realise it's there, but after a year, you don't notice.
Bring on the fourth, let's get 'em all out of the way!
Reply 14
i've had my wisdom teeth for a good few years now...

the 2 on my upper jaw came through with no trouble at all - didn't even know i had them there til my dentist took a photo of my gob and showed me!

the one on the left of my bottom jaw hasn't given me much worry really, but the right one? god, it's a proper bastard!

the dreaded pain comes and goes every 2-3months or so, been like that for 3 or 4 years i would say - but i've only got one final corner to poke through and then i'm "fully erupted" as my dentist put it..

you have to be careful though - my mother's friend's son had them a few years ago and he was in terrible pain but was scared of the dentist so he left it. because there wasn't enough room in his mouth for them to grow with his other teeth (not always the case, obv.), his jaw cracked and had absesses growing down there and it was generally just gross....eeep!
Reply 15
My lower left is trying to grow out, and boy are my gums around it tender! Im so very tempted to go buy a babies' teething rubber thing, since Ive tried chewing gum (just isnt good enough) and chewing my finger- which is actually quite soothing :redface:
Also, this ones been trying to come out for nearly a year now. It grows a bit, then stops and so on. This time though is the worst tenderness:frown:

Ive just checked and my upper left molar has actually nearly grown out, without me taking much notice! The cusps are all out, hurrah!
Lower right is slightly poking through, and so far no pain.
You only get them out if they're positioned wrong or some other reasons other wise they will grow when they want. Like the person above me, my lower left one is trying to row out. It's been growing for a couples of years I only happens in growth spurts I think which is odd. They hurt like hell though.
Reply 17
Mine have been coming through for yearssss. Never been sore as far as I can remember apart from the other week where the gum was parting and it hurt to chew and move my mouth near there :frown:
Reply 18
Ooooh lovely! Glad there is only one so far. Just checked and there is no sign of the others. Ah well, nevermind!
It's very common in North America to have your wisdom teeth out. They vary from person to person - sometimes people won't get them growing in at all, others will get all four...sometimes they never break through the surface of your gum, or they might break through just a little but not come all the way in. Anyway. A lot of dentists will recommend getting them out because it will make sure no complications arise from them. Even if they grow in straight and there is room for them in your mouth, they are often very difficult to clean properly because they're so far back and they're way more likely to get cavities. And like one other poster said, you can get abcesses down under your gum from trapped bacteria.
I've had all four of mine out and it wasn't a big deal. And now I won't ever have to worry about them again :biggrin: