Diary 01.02.16 - 07.02.16
I must admit, I've had a bit of an interesting week this week, I'm still with the Community Midwives, and still trying to get my head around a 9 to 5, but I feel much more that I've gotten into the swing of it now. That said, with the exception of getting to meet lots of mothers - both new and expectant - this week has followed pretty much the same structure as last week, with a balance of antenatal clinics and postnatal visits.
This weekend, some of you may have had the chance to hear my wondrous (well ... stupidly posh and a little high pitched) voice, as I was given the task to call a group of our fab new prospective students and ask if they had any questions about the course. It was great to actually connect with some of you and to get your feelings about the course, as well as alleviate some of the fears and worries that you had. Some of the other Course Ambassadors were kind enough to help me out, so some of you may have been saved from my voice, but I hope that we managed to talk to as many of you as we could. That said, our time (and credit ...) is a little limited, so I apologies to anyone who has yet to receive a call, we're working through the list as hard as we can.
As I'm still not too sure what I can't and can't say re: confidentiality, this week I'd like to talk about the amazing level of trust I receive as a student midwife. Both on placement and during my phone calls with you lot this week, I came to realise that my title of student midwife actually carries a lot of weight: I have been invited into people's home with nothing more than a Midwife, an ID badge, and a black pen. Granted, one of those things is much more important than the rest, but the point still stands, I am trusted to enter into the most private parts of women's lives and not only that but I get to help them and to hopefully have a positive influence on their life.
I was granted a little bit of that trust when was calling people this week: My number doesn't flash up with MDX Midwifery on people's phones, and yet as soon as I explained who I was, people opened up to me, they asked me questions, they asked for reassurance. It was actually a little scary, simple because I often don't think about how much I actually do know about this course, and some of your questions really did put that knowledge to the test, but I can say that I did the best I can, and I hope that the people I called feel the same way.
Not too sure what I'll be writing about next week, but feel free to drop me a message and I hope I'll be able to answer!
Middlesex Course Ambassador