Not sure if this is the right forum, but I'm sure someone will move it if it's not.
Anyway, I've found a lovely house to live in next year with 3 other girls. One of the girls really messed us around when we were trying to find a house, and we nearly lost this one because she couldn't make her mind up about it. Now she's demanding the biggeset room in the house 'because she's used to having a big room'. Now, the other two girls have happily decided on a room each, leaving me and the other girl to decide between us on who gets the huge room.
I really want to have the bigger room because my boyfriend stays alot and we hve a double air bed, and there isnt enough room in the other one for an airbed (without having absolutely no room to move atall). She wants it just because she wants a big room. But it seems unfair that after all the messing round shes done with us she should get first choice of room over me? Bearing in mind that me and a different girl did all the househunting, and she just turned up for viewings. She still seems a bit unsure about this house, and so the other girls reckon i should let her have the big room to just keep her happy!
So I'm a bit stuck on what to do, it just seems so unfair that she should have the room after all that's happened, and if they're going to say let her have it to keep her happy then shoouldnt I just kick up a fuss too??!
Help! What do I do? Advice would be really appriciated!
Oh, and I'd thought of tosing a coin, but I *always* seem to lose coin tosses lol so that wouldnt seem very fair either.