The Student Room Group

Housemate problems

Not sure if this is the right forum, but I'm sure someone will move it if it's not.

Anyway, I've found a lovely house to live in next year with 3 other girls. One of the girls really messed us around when we were trying to find a house, and we nearly lost this one because she couldn't make her mind up about it. Now she's demanding the biggeset room in the house 'because she's used to having a big room'. Now, the other two girls have happily decided on a room each, leaving me and the other girl to decide between us on who gets the huge room.

I really want to have the bigger room because my boyfriend stays alot and we hve a double air bed, and there isnt enough room in the other one for an airbed (without having absolutely no room to move atall). She wants it just because she wants a big room. But it seems unfair that after all the messing round shes done with us she should get first choice of room over me? Bearing in mind that me and a different girl did all the househunting, and she just turned up for viewings. She still seems a bit unsure about this house, and so the other girls reckon i should let her have the big room to just keep her happy!

So I'm a bit stuck on what to do, it just seems so unfair that she should have the room after all that's happened, and if they're going to say let her have it to keep her happy then shoouldnt I just kick up a fuss too??!

Help! What do I do? Advice would be really appriciated!
Oh, and I'd thought of tosing a coin, but I *always* seem to lose coin tosses lol so that wouldnt seem very fair either.

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you get the bigger room and agree to make her dinner once a week :smile:
She sounds like a complete nuisance. Your reasons for wanting the room are more valid, so surely your housemates should be on your side? What is she likely to do if she doesn't get it? Perhaps you can do what wacky sparkle says and offer her something in return
Reply 3
Hmm well it seems to me like you've got a valid point. I say don't give in to her diva-fit. Say you think you should have the big room, because you put a lot of work into finding the house and see how she comes back to that.
Also, shes had a nice big room this year while I've had to share a smaller room with a roommate who's turned out to be a complete nightmare :frown: I'll try and talk to her on monday I reckon.
Now, the other two girls have happily decided on a room each, leaving me and the other girl to decide between us on who gets the huge room.

I have onlythree words for you:

Reply 6
I have onlythree words for you:


And choose 'rock'. :biggrin:
Reply 7
Also, shes had a nice big room this year while I've had to share a smaller room with a roommate who's turned out to be a complete nightmare :frown: I'll try and talk to her on monday I reckon.

Then that's another reason - its your turn to have the big room this year.
Reply 8
The only way to solve disputes like this is to toss a coin.

Why have you allowed the other two girls to pick which rooms they want? It just makes things harder for you, surely?
Reply 9
Toss a coin, but explain the rules very fast like this:


"Oh look, it was tails."

Worth a try?

^^ :rofl:
you crafty so-and-so you.
I've both been there and done this before and it sucks. The lazy bastards always seem to try and claim the best room. The fairest thing is to say whoever has the largest room pays a bit more. If you are both prepared to pay a bit more for the room then you have to continue to fight it out.

It sounds like she has no reason to claim the room, but you two need to sit down and talk it over and maybe you can talk her around to your way of thinking. If you can't talk it through and decide fairly then you'll have to toss a coin.
Reply 12
I think you should all draw straws, including the two scallys who've claimed rooms and left you to deal with this alone. They aren't being very supportive. Personally, i think you sound as though you deserve the room more, however in order to make things fair, deciding on a price for each room before ALL FOUR of you drawing straws or whatever random method you wish happens is the only fair way to go about it.
Reply 13
^^ :rofl:
you crafty so-and-so you.

Heheheh :biggrin:

Never fails with me.
try this one whoever has the largest room pays a greater share of the rent
Reply 15
Yeah theres no fair way to do it other than you or she should have to pay more of the rent
Reply 16
Kick her out and get another friend.
Reply 17
Do you all pay the same amount for the house? What if you all agree the person with the biggest room pays a little (or however much) more and the people with tiny/small rooms pay a little less? Maybe it will also change her mind
Reply 18
You can't expect the bigger room just because your boyfriend stays more. He doesn't pay rent, so it's not a factor. My housemate tried this one on us, and it isn't fair! Similarly, she shouldn't get the biggest room just because she makes the biggest fuss. At the end of the day, all of you should draw straws. Whoever gets the longest picks first, and do it like that. I wouldn't suggest altering prices of who pays what, as thats getting a bit complicated. But it's just a room...

As for there not being enough room to move with a double air bed, you only need it to sleep, you can prop it up against a wall after that!
Reply 19
Draw straws.