Hi everyone
I'm currently faced with something of a dilemma, and I was hoping I could ask you guys for some advice
Originally I had applied to LSE to read for History, as the course sounded very interesting, and they only required ABB (which seemed strange considering that it's LSE) which was easily within my capabilities. Basically, I didn't really consider that they'll most likely get thousands of applications, and that the actual requirements would probably be more like AAAA XD But yeah, I was naively optimistic about getting in, and sort of planned my future around that (I have a sort of psychological necessity to plan my entire life :P ).
I got rejected and was a bit upset, so I applied for SOAS and Royal Holloway (I had previously applied for Essex). Much to my suprise I was accepted for RHUL (and Essex too). At that moment I pretty much decided I would like to try and get into RHUL.
Well, that was until the open day visits. I was somewhat underwhelmed by the campus at RHUL, but fell in love with the campus at Essex. The whole atmosphere at Royal Holloway seemed a little flat, pretentious and, well, frigid, for lack of a better word (as though the actual institution had a metaphorical stick up its arse, although I'm sure the people there are really nice). Also Egham sucks.
Since those visits (about two months ago) I have been paralyzed with indecision.
Royal Holloway:
Academically speaking, I think this university is probably better than Essex. It is higher on the league table thingies and is part of UoL (meaning I could take modules at other institutions). Also, the topics available on the course seem much, much more interesting than those available at Essex. In addition to this, RHUL is also quite close to Twickenham, where my best friend goes to uni :P Although this probably is a bad reason to include in my decision.
However, the gym apparently sucks, the campus didn't seem very nice, Egham is dull, there doesn't seem to be anywhere to go or anything to do, the accommodation is both really expensive and not-that-amazing (for self-catered), and the whole place seemed a little boring.
The campus is amazing, it's like a self-contained world inside a bubble. There seems to be a lot of options for socialising, such as a lot of societies and sports activities, a couple of bars, a night club, an arcade (with pool tables >
), a book shop, and an absolutely awesome lift in the library. Also it's in Colchester, which I know my way around pretty well, and seems like a decent day/night out. Also the gym looks fantastic, and the whole thing would work out being much cheaper.
However, the course can't hold a candle to that offered by RHUL in terms of interest. I do like the fact that you can do modules from other courses, which is something I don't think can be done at Royal Holloway. I've also been told that Essex is like Romford, only everyone has four grand in their pockets.
Basically, it boils down to a choice between which is more important to me -- studying, being interested, learning and developing my mind and writing skills, or socialising, meeting new people and partying (obviously I would still try to take my degree seriously at Essex). The problem is that I'd like to do both, and I can't figure out which is most important to me.
Considering these factors, what would you advise? I'd be so grateful for any advice anyone could give me.
Thanks for reading