The Student Room Group

5 weeks pregnant

. Do you feel like **** all the time?
. Do you bleed like it's going out of fashion? Could she be miscarriging?

The reason I ask is a girl I had sex with said she was on the pill, I'm her first lad, so I didn't use a condom, now she say's she's pregnant, won't have an abortion, 5 weeks gone, and she says she's bleeding, A LOT, and feeling extremley il.

Is she pulling my leg here?

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Reply 1
If this is true, she needs to go to A&E
Reply 2
If this is true, she needs to go to A&E

Apparentley she went, they gave her painkillers and sent her on her merry way.

She's on the pill though, I've seen it............ the 21 day 7 fay off one, Progesterone only, is it? I thought that wouldn't even allow a Foetus to grow?
. Do you feel like **** all the time?
. Do you bleed like it's going out of fashion? Could she be miscarriging?

The reason I ask is a girl I had sex with said she was on the pill, I'm her first lad, so I didn't use a condom, now she say's she's pregnant, won't have an abortion, 5 weeks gone, and she says she's bleeding, A LOT, and feeling extremley il.

Is she pulling my leg here?

It *sounds* like a miscarriage....but i'm really not sure so don't take my word for it - what do you mean she's back on the pill though? that doesn't add up :s

EDIT: are you sure she didn't already have an abortion if they gave her painkillers etc?
Reply 4
Apparentley she went, they gave her painkillers and sent her on her merry way.

She's on the pill though, I've seen it............ the 21 day 7 fay off one, Progesterone only, is it? I thought that wouldn't even allow a Foetus to grow?

If she was bleeding a lot they wouldn't have sent her off. If they did and she is bleeding a lot and is definitely pregnant (can be found out by a quick test) she should go back.
Reply 5
the pill can stop working due to other factors. but if she was bleeding badly i dont think a hospital would send her away :s-smilie: sounds daft but its not her period right?
Reply 6
She was alway's on the pill mate. Well, she told me she was on that particular one.

I though that about the hopitalt too.

TO the anti-abortion people, reasons why we can't bhave a baby.

.She's 19, works full time on minimum wage, lives in a council house with her mum, mum's an alcoholic.
. I'm 17, in £2000 of debt, on a smooth £250 a month, live with my parents.

Tell me, how could we bring up a child well enough in a situation like that? Plus I don't even like her that much......... I couldn't live with her!
Reply 7
OP no one's said anything about abortion other than referring to it medically...

We are just giving you advice on her situation. are you with her? You should probably go and see her and if she's still bleeding take her to the hospital.
Reply 8
OP no one's said anything about abortion other than referring to it medically...

We are just giving you advice on her situation. are you with her? You should probably go and see her and if she's still bleeding take her to the hospital.

She won't let me go with her..........That;s the thing.

I've told her I'd happily take her, and support her tthrough it, as I know abortion can be a mind ****, and I don't wanna see her messed up. I will do that though, I'll ring her now, and report back, cheers for help so far.

Concerning my rant at abortion, I know, I'm just covering my back before they come on in here.
Reply 9
you said as you were her first guy, you didnt wear a condom...why not?
that is your first problem!


Reply 10
you said as you were her first guy, you didnt wear a condom...why not?
that is your first problem!



Yo, I naivley thought that I couldn't catch anything, and that the pill is more effective than a condom.

I know silly, wish I thought about it properly.
Yo, I naivley thought that I couldn't catch anything, and that the pill is more effective than a condom.

I know silly, wish I thought about it properly.

Whoever told you that is wrong. Both in combination are highly effective against pregnancy and against STI's. Most of the time condoms aren't effective is when they've been tore etc when they are being put on may it be by nails, jewellery etc and have became perforated.
Reply 12
Righto, she says she won't go now (I offered to take her in my car to hospital now) as she thinks they'll do exactley what they did last night, giver her some painkillers, and say if you're losing it, you're losing it, that's Nature.

I am very sceptical about what she said, by the way.
Reply 13
Righto, she says she won't go now (I offered to take her in my car to hospital now) as she thinks they'll do exactley what they did last night, giver her some painkillers, and say if you're losing it, you're losing it, that's Nature.

I am very sceptical about what she said, by the way.

Has she taken a pregnancy test?

If she refuses to go to the hospital I would be very skeptical but I'd say don't dismiss her yet. Go over to her place and see her and talk to her. You can't tell what's really going on over the phone.
Reply 14
Has she actually taken a proper pregnancy test to your knowledge? I find it surprising that the hospital would just dismiss bleeding like that. It sounds as though she should go back.

All sex carries a risk of pregnancy. If you have a very difficult situation such as the one you described and indeed "don't even like her that much" then it seems very surprising that you ever went ahead with sexual relations. You should respect her wishes if she decides not to have an abortion - it doesn't seem as though you have a very clear idea of the implications for the girl, and exactly how emotionally traumatic abortion can be - even if you are in favour of it.

Most importantly, whether she is pregnant or not, and whether you 'like her that much' or not - this is a very difficult time for her. Make sure she has your support.

Says she has, but it was "A cheapo one".

I know it seems wrong, but we dscussed it was just going to be meaningless sex......

I've tried offereing my support, but it just seems as if she's cocooning herself away.
Reply 15
Says she has, but it was "A cheapo one".

I know it seems wrong, but we dscussed it was just going to be meaningless sex......

I've tried offereing my support, but it just seems as if she's cocooning herself away.
OK well a cheapo test if positive is positive. There's a 99.9% chance she's pregnant. They don't return false positives.

Like I said, GO to her, don't ask if you can go over. If she is pregnant, she needs you, if she's not you need to find out what is going on.
This may sounds stupid but it sounds a bit fishy to me.

She says they sent her on her way with bleeding? no a+e would ever do that. Ever.

AND she wont let you take her back there?
Reply 17
you need to go to the doctor!!

bleeding doesn't always mean miscarriage.. my mum had it with me and my sister and it was ok, a work friend has been having it too and she went to the doctor and he's told her to rest..

she needs to get it checked out for sure!

i don't think you've got the right attitude towards it shouldn't think about the money but the fact it's a life you've created there!!
To be honest it sounds like she is lying.
I mean she told you she was on the pill
told you she had taken a test
told you she has been to the docs
but where's the proof? You say she won't let you go with her. I too think it's very fishy.
Reply 19
I'm going to her house tommrow, I'll have to go after school and work though.


No money = No house

Kid get's into the wrong crowd, as it'll end up on a housing estate, starts drinking, doing drugs, crashing cars etc.