The Student Room Group
Reply 1

Aqueous bromine can only decolourise C=C double bonds in alkenes (with no ppt.) and phenols (with white ppt.).
No thats not possible, bromine water can only decolourise alkenes not carboxylic acids.
Reply 3
the C=O bond is nt broken at all. The nly bond affcted by bromine water is C=C because one of the bonds in there s pretty wek in comparison to the rest of the compound.
Reply 4
Yes, technically, though it wouldn't be the carboxyl group that was doing it. Propenoic acid, for example, would undergo addition of bromine across its C=C bond in the same manner as your commoner-garden alkenes. The chances of something like that coming up would be slim, but it's always worth being thorough, just in case.