The Student Room Group

Fake fragrance

I would like to know if it is possible to do anything in my situation. I have bought Chanel No. 5 parfum (not eau de parfum or eau de toilette). It was a present and the first fragrance from Chanel. After the gift was opened I noticed that the smell of that parfum does not keep for a long. However, I was not absolutely sure that it is a fake. After that I bought another fragrance from Chanel (Allure eau de toillete) in my country. Surprisingly, its smell kept two times longer (it is only eau de toillete). After this 'discovery' I went to my local (in my country) store and asked to verify my first fragrance - and I got an answer that it is fake. By the way, I bought Chanel No. 5 parfum form Chanel authorized store in Preston - Debenhams (
So, I have two questions:
1. Is it possible to do something to get my money back for a fake fragrance?
2. Where should I buy fragrance next time? Directly from France? :smile: (do not recommend Boots - it sells fakes as well)
Reply 1
You bought it from Debenhams, is that right? As I very much doubt they would be selling fake fragrances, or Boots for that matter.

If you have the receipt, take it back and see what they say. They might be able to exchange it for you.
Depending on the perfume- it lasts longer on some skins than others. I know my mum has it and it doesn't last long on her skin.
Reply 3
i know nothing about perfume but i very much doubt that stuff sold in debenhams was fake. perhaps it was affected in some way - stored in too hot a place or for too long for example? - if you take it back they'll definitely give you a refund :smile:
Reply 4
As I very much doubt they would be selling fake fragrances, or Boots for that matter.

Boots sale fake fragrance. I have an original Ferrari fragrance and I saw what Ferrari fragrance is selling at Boots.

If you have the receipt, take it back and see what they say. They might be able to exchange it for you.

The problem is that I have bought Chanel No. 5 parfum few months ago.

Depending on the perfume- it lasts longer on some skins than others.

Yes, it is possible, but how you can explain the fact that the skin is the same and eau de toilette smell keeps longer than parfum?
Reply 5
Boots and Debenhams are respected retailers in the UK, they have no need to sell fake fragrances. And if they were, it would have been noticed long ago

Maybe its just you? You seem to have lots of fragrances that you say are real, and the others are fake. Maybe the ones you originally bought are fake, and the ones you have seen in the stores are real??

Like I said before, Boots and Debenhams have no reason to sell fake perfumes, I mean, why would they need to??

Ive bought quite a few perfumes from both Boots and Debenhams, and never had any problems whatsoever
Reply 6
What a load of old cock.
Reply 7
No, I do not have a lot of fragrance.
If we take an example of Ferrari fragrance. I have bought my one for around ยฃ40 pounds and Boots was selling it for ยฃ10 (the same bottle, the same eau de toilette). Moreover, the cap of the bottle was not holding and the smell of fragrance was terrible (in Boots). I am really sure that it was not a real Ferrari fragrance. Of course, there are a lot of other fragrance in Boots, I cannot say anything bad about them. For instance, Hugo Boss seems to be a real. But the thing is that not all fragrance are real.
i think you should show them the receipt so that they could refund you or exchage it by the way i think it must due to climatic change.and ithink you should talk to consumer authorities of your country
In most cases it's generally fake fragances that are stronger smelling, and the original expensive ones that are more delicate and fade quicker so I'm told.
I must say I have had problems with perfume bought from boots. I got Dior Pure Poison and Gaultier2 and they had both gone off within 6 months. I don't know whether what they're selling is fake, but the stuff I bought was either really old stock or had not been stored correctly.

I now use Chanel only. My uncle travels to France a lot and gets perfect stock from there, so I'm alright. I'd never purchase from department dtores or chemists again though. It's too much of risk considering the (extortionate) prices.
Revd. Mike
In most cases it's generally fake fragances that are stronger smelling, and the original expensive ones that are more delicate and fade quicker so I'm told.
That's not true for Chanel. The fragrances last and last and barely change because of the high-quality ingredients.
Reply 12
It wouldn't surprise me if a fragrance is adapted for the market. For example, I think in France the culture is for very strong fragrances and in Britain a little more understated and subtle. As someone who worked for Debenhams, I can assure you there is no way they would sell fake product (and this is for someone who didn't enjoy working there!).
Reply 13
My sister told me a long time ago, not to buy from boots cause they buy older stocks, and aren't as good. Still, that was a long time ago.