The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I don't think you are supposed to drink alcohol at all...but I may well be wrong.
Reply 2
is it penicillin v? in which case alcohol may irritate your stomach if taken with penicillin V, so drink in moderation. but alcohol may decrease the effectiveness of the penicillin and will the immune response by the body. so its abit of a double edged sword.
Reply 3
Yeah cos atm I have 1 day to go on the full course and the bacteria went about 3 days ago and I'm feeling fine so Im not worried about its effects really> just worried that i will full on collapse or something?
Reply 4
Yeah you can drink on it.

I got tonsilitus the day before I went on holiday and made sure to ask the doctor if I could drink whilst on it and she said its fine
It's fine to drink with any antibiotic except metronidazole, just be aware that it may irritate your stomach and make you feel sick.
Well I've been drinking on it, so I hope it's ok. I felt that I maybe got drunk quicker than usual, but that may have been down to other factors.
I had a few on it last night, and prob will do tonight, and I have had no issues