The Student Room Group

Dealing with Stress!

Over the past few months I have been suffering from a lot of stress, as everyone does, but it has effected my health more then usual. The stress has been due to a variety of factors such as having lots of coursework to do for college, revising for exams and other personal problems too. The first thing which I noticed was that I lost a bit of weight (however, I have now regained the few lbs that I lost). My periods have also stopped too - haven't had a period since March I think (I'm definatly not pregnant). I just need advice to help me relieve some of this stress!! I've never suffered with it this bad before! It feels like i constantly have butterflies in my stomach!!
Reply 1
from your description, this doesn't seem like a mild case of stress! I'd suggest consulting your doctor/GP about this issue and any eccentric physical changes; He'll advise you better than any TSR member, nonetheless, I wish you all the luck :smile: and hope you'll be great in no time!
Reply 2
Proper sleep is a good way of dealing with things. Often when I have got stressed my bed time would get later and later as I tried to cram more things into the day, so setting yourself a reasonable bed time and making sure you stick to it no matter what is good. I aim to be able to have 8 hours sleep a night.

Also, try and make sure you have some leisure time each day. if this means sitting with a pen and paper at the start of the day so you can plan such time in, then do it, but you need to do something you enjoy every now and then. :smile:

Good luck!
Reply 3
to deal with stress i just get a ounchbag, boxing gloves and beat the crap out of the bag, good work ot as well. just imagine the people you dont like and the stuff thats annoying and beat up the bag, it wont complain :smile:
I've been stressed recently too and my periods stopped for aaages - i think maybe you should see your doctor about that, i did and they gave me pills to sort it out. Try talking to a friend or writing down exactly what's making you upset/distressed and sort through the problems one by one. Also, relax loads by sleeping alot etc.. hope you feel better soon :smile:
Talk to your friends, not even neccessarily about your problems but just make a little time to interact with people whose company you enjoy, if you end up blurting out all your problems and sobbing then hey-that works too. The thing that gets to me the most when i'm stressed at uni is that even when i try to take a break from work I can't stop thinking about things if im by myself, other people distract you from your problems so much more. Good luck, hope you're feeling better about things soon.
Reply 6
I find the best way to deal with stress is by doing some exercise. A 2k run should only take about 15 minutes out of your day, or go for a half hour swim and see if you find your mind has cleared at all.
I also suffer from lots of stress in my life right now and it affects on my health - I feel weak, I become nervous and my faces color is like gray. I also got problems with my BF coz of that, coz I can think just about all my problems now and so am very nervous and can be rude with him sometimes. The same with my parents... :frown:
But i dont give up, u know I think that this will finish soon and this is just a bit U have to do now. I think that summer will come soon and vacations will help a lot. I also take vitamins and let myself relax. Even if I need to work/study. I just lay in bed and listen to my fav music. try to do it. If it is a weekend try to sleep more than usual and try not to overdo things. Also take baths, it helps. And try not to think about all problems together. Solve one by one. Dont think about next one, until the current is solved. Concentrate just on current things, or more urgent. And go out with ur friends sometimes. Even if u have loads of stuff going on, just go out with ur friends to some bar to gossip and laugh :wink:. (I started to do it when I realised that there was actually nth else in my life apart of Uni). I think it can help u. Oh, plus eat lots of DARK chocolate (stimulates ur brain) and bananas :smile: Sex is good too! Makes u think positive!
Just think that this is just a period of ur life that will pass and u will get another one, full of good things!
p.s. I thought that 'having butterflies in stomach' has just a positive meaning, was I wrong? (I am not native eng speaker)
Reply 8
Computer games! And if you don't have a powerful computer, play the old ones. Call of Duty 1 or Medal Of Honour (to name some shooters) are exciting and let you unwind easily, and will play on anything that is 3/4 years old. There are all kinds of fun computer games out there, just don't get addicted :biggrin: .

Reply 9
I've been in a similar sort of situation lately, a few months back it reached the point when I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, but fortunately I got help and sorted it out (mostly)

Firstly, I'd suggest going to your G.P. about the physical symptoms; not having to worry about them would be a good start. As for the problems causing it, you need to tell someone, either a best friend or understanding parent (who won't mind if you end up in tears, and will give you a hug and get you a tissue), or if you don't think you can face doing that in person, you could try the Samaritans, either phoning them or sending them an e-mail (I found that really useful, in that you can list everything that's bothering you, which feels good to get off your chest in one go - I think it's, could be wrong; google it)

In terms of practical things you can do, try setting aside time for yourself everyday, where you don't worry about anything else that might be troubling you, and just relax; laze about in front of Neighbours/ have a nap/ read a book/ dance around your room in your underwear/ bake a victoria sponge/ knit a really long scarf/ whatever, or better still, get some exercise (a jog in the park if it's sunny or something). Also, cut out the caffiene; it only makes matters worse (and with regards to dark chocolate, don't medicate yourself on it. if you're going to have it, try and get the best stuff you can afford, without loads of additives in it; a little of the good stuff goes a long way). Eating healthily helps, even if its just having some fruit instead of those cookies while watching Neighbours...

Sorry about the mini-essay (I'm currently procrastinating from writing a real one), hope some of that is useful!
Reply 10
Try doing some deep-breathing and relaxation. I have a 15-minute CD which you stick on and listen to and there's a fella talking you through releasing tension in each of your muscle groups.

Exercise is the best stress-buster. Find a sport you like and do something physical enough to get you sweating for at least 30-45 minutes each day.
stress is hard to shake off but a lot of people have advised, you have to keep occupied, even if that means taking a 10min walk round the park. Dont just sit and think to yourself, i'm stressed what do i do, you need to be active. Make sure you eat as you normally would, sometimes it can drive you to change food patterns which therefore affects your body + mind, get exercise, and also get decent sleep. One it will help the body relax, and two, the more sleep you get, the less time in the day you spend worrying about being stressed.
Reply 12
if your periods have stopped, you should go see your doctor, the stress must be really bad.

i quite like work stress- the answer is usually to do some work and then I feel a bit better! :redface:

but sometimes there are stresses with less obvious answers... I guess you could scream along to some loud music or do some washing or chill out with a film, chat to friends. Because it really is unhealthy to work all the time!

G'luck with your exams/cw and whatever else!
but sometimes there are stresses with less obvious answers... I guess you could scream along to some loud music!


I feel, when i'm really stressed i need some form of release, to get rid of the tension. lol that normally involves going clubbing and dancing like hyper monkey without a care in the world or singing very loud to loud music in my room. Whatever works for you
Reply 14
How do I deal with stress?

I get stressed.
One word: Acupuncture. I've only had 2 sessions so far, but I've already begun to notice small changes.
Reply 16
This is what my brother says to me when i tell him how stressed i am: Chill dude! I know, not very helpful.

Would talking to someone help you out? I found one particularly stressful week when i had coursework and such to give in all on the same day that having a good cry and complaining to my parents helped.
I hate the "chill comment." :s-smilie:

Complaining helps on the short term.