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Guys...n general

I can't seem to find a boyfriend or even a guy who would even like me because everytime I try to even talk to a guy, when he finds out I'm doing the IB, I'm perceived as the biggest geek and he kinda just moves away from me. Should I lie about what I'm doing or just stay single?
Also, I can't even go out in public wearing a short top because I have an operation scar, even though I would like to wear short tops. I really don't know what to do :s-smilie:

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Reply 1
Wear a short skirt instead. Also, while I don't know what an IB is, I wouldn't be bothered if a girl was taking one. Say it, but perhaps you're getting obsessed and talking about it too much?
Wear a short skirt instead.

Exactly. Or a low top that's long enough, if you're set so on flashing some flesh?

As for the IB thing - surely you could find a guy taking the IB too? Unless I'm being stupid and you don't mean the qualification.
Reply 3
Are you kidding? Why would people think you were a geek for doing the IB? And why would someone be put off when they found out you were smart, that's so weird.
Reply 4
I can't seem to find a boyfriend or even a guy who would even like me because everytime I try to even talk to a guy, when he finds out I'm doing the IB, I'm perceived as the biggest geek and he kinda just moves away from me.

So? No one has to like you or fancy you.

Should I lie about what I'm doing or just stay single?
Also, I can't even go out in public wearing a short top because I have an operation scar, even though I would like to wear short tops. I really don't know what to do :s-smilie:

Then don't wear short tops!! ****, it ain't rocket science!! :rolleyes:
Stopping looking so hard maybe? you are more likely to find someone when you don't look.
Reply 6
what the hell is an IB?
Reply 7
international baccleauraute thing, it is way harder than a-lvls tbh, but equivalent of a-lvls. its weird
Reply 8
It's an A Level equivalent - very euro, but becoming more popular here. I wish I could have done it!

You really need to just concentrate on getting your IB and getting out of somewhere where stupid boys are put off by brains. It's pathetic.

And you either need to learn to live with your scar, or give up on the short tops. It's not..well, it's not hard to see that, but it might be hard to come to terms with your scar.

doing an A-level equivalent = men being scared? :confused:
Reply 9
I can't seem to find a boyfriend or even a guy who would even like me because everytime I try to even talk to a guy, when he finds out I'm doing the IB, I'm perceived as the biggest geek

I do the IB!

And we're not seen as geeks, we're seen as dead smart, almost too smart to talk to our A-Levels comrades.
And guys. I think we're pretty basic. I'm I right guys?
I think us men think too much on a girl's looks and shape of her bum.
But, we're not all like that, once the lust disappears the true love can be found.
What I'm i saying?
I mean, at first. We only seem to care about the looks, and then we start looking at personality. And with you, I think you'll find a guy who'll like you, then all over at your amazing personality!:biggrin:
Reply 10
It's the international Baccalureatte - Maybe it's just the town I live in then..
Reply 11
It's the international Baccalureatte

but wouldnt that make people who do degrees like, uber smart? :confused: :p: Surely the IB is lower than a degree?
Reply 12
Yeah it's lower than the degree level but it requires alot more than A level because you have to do 6 subjects for the whole 2 years
Reply 13
I cant see why someone would not talk to you because of that. Has anyone explicitly said that they see you in a negative light because of the IB?

Something doesnt compute.
its just that IBs are very tough
Reply 15
its just that IBs are very tough

So are law masters but it doesnt mean the opposite sex is put off talking to me
well IBs are very hard for the age of the person who does it. it requires alot of variety. and i aint defending the guys hu called her geeks remember. just saying thye are hard.
I can't seem to find a boyfriend or even a guy who would even like me because everytime I try to even talk to a guy, when he finds out I'm doing the IB, I'm perceived as the biggest geek and he kinda just moves away from me.

Guys are ********s. But I'm sure some wouldn't mind a girl with half a brain. Maybe it has nothing to do with the IB or geekiness maybe guys just arn't into you or they are too immature to do anything. Don't worry about it.
Should I lie about what I'm doing or just stay single?

Don't be silly. You should never have to lie to be in a relationship. Plus don't you think he'd eventualy find out anyway??
Also, I can't even go out in public wearing a short top because I have an operation scar, even though I would like to wear short tops. I really don't know what to do :s-smilie:

Seriously who cares if you have a scar..yeh if it's a massive one people will stare. So if you don't want people staring, just covering it up. Wear something else, simple.
heh i flaunt my geekyness and i cant say its ever put guys off. and if your worried about a scar just wear clothes that cover it. ive got a nice scar on my tummy and unless im in a bikini i cant say anyone except my bf ever sees it. you can still wear clothes that make a prossie look prudish and cover your stomach at the same time.
Reply 19
Why would intelligence put guys off? And also, why would not looking like a bit of a slut put guys off? There are decent men out there, probably worth changing where your looking.