The Student Room Group

I dont last long in to improve myself?

Well me and my gf for many reasons are not going to have sex before marriage (which will be next year hopefully). However we have a 'cheap' version of sex for now in that we dont take our panties of but i rub my area over hers n do allsorts...but i seem to come way too easily eventho im doing things when i have underpants AND a pair of jeans!!

Y do i come so easily?

What cures and prevents or helps the problem of premature ejaculation? (any guys out their with advice?)

Is this a problem for other guys out their ?
This is a problem for loads and loads of guys, so you're not alone.

Try slowing down your breathing, and take things slower, when you feel yourself about to cum, hold your breath for a moment, then stat breathing again. This helped one of my ex's when it happened to him, so i know where you're coming from.
your gf must be talented
well naah she aint talented, because shes not doing much to me... im the one whos doing the action and rubbing my area over hers..with all our clothes on! and i still come very quick...usually within 60secs of rubbing
Reply 4
It's probably down to the fact that you're getting over excitied because you want it so bad. Stop beating around the bush so to speak and get it over with.
yeah whats the difference between behaving in that way and actually having sex? it for religious reasons? cos if it was, I'm sure they don't approve of everything else you're doing.
Premature Ejaculation has nothing to do with your body. It is totally due to psychological factors especially because of the ardent desire to have a sexual contact with your girlfriend. It is more that certain that when you will have a complete sexual contact with your girlfriend, you wont face this situation.

The only thing you can do about it is (definitely not take any medication) to confront the psychological reasons which are responsible for premature ejaculation. For example try to think other things during the sexual game with your girlfriend.
Reply 7
Have a **** before you get jiggy. You last longer second time round.
Reply 8

A cock ring maybe your answer. Here is part of the article:

"A cock ring or cockring is a ring that is placed around a man's penis, usually at the base, primarily to slow the leakage of blood from the erect penile tissue, thus maintaining erection for longer. Cock rings can be worn around just the penis or penis and scrotum, or just the scrotum alone, though this is usually designated as a testicle cuff. Rings can be made of a variety of different materials, most commonly leather, rubber, or silicone, though nylon and metal are also used either as the main component or part of the closure."
As alot of people mention in previous threads like this, Maggie Thatcher naked.