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I feel quite embarrassed to go back to them and tell them I completely forgot to return 48 hours after my mantoux test for my bcg. Will I have to do the mantoux again?


the mantoux is a test simply to see if you need a BCG. either a big mark appeared when you had it, or didnt.

you can still get the bcg, and dont need another mantoux
Reply 2
I'm guessing the 'mantoux' is the circle of dots?
Well, I missed out on mine for three years and each time I went to try and get it done I had to have another one of those...
Reply 3
You do not need to have another of those I do not think; I didn't anyway, I couldn't have it on the day that they did it at our school, so just had to go to the doctors.
Reply 4
Do you not get these in school in Year 7 any more?
Reply 5
You may not have to have the mantoux test again as I imagine the results will still be showing now. Just make an appointment with your doctor and get it sorted. Dont worry about going back - at the end of the day you are taking responsibility for your health
Reply 6
They'd rather you go back now and get the jab, than to have a serious illness that they will have to deal with.
Reply 7
Mine was done in year 9.
Reply 8
I suppose you could go back but only if you want to see if you need the BCG jab, if not you can still get it done.
Reply 9
It was offered in year 10 at my school.
mine was in yr8
Do you not get these in school in Year 7 any more?

no, they are only 'needed' if you come from an area of britain with a high level of TB.
its a completel ******* polciy. with the nubmer of immigrants coming into this country, the amount of foriegn travel people on average have etc, we should all still have the jab
I was supposed to have mine in Year 9, but I didn't.

Basically the school screwed up and lost my consent form, so I had to get another for the next day and they lost that one too :rolleyes: Damn school.

Someone in the office wanted me to get TB, I'm sure.

So I've never had one :s-smilie:
Reply 13
pinkpink.. go to your GP and I'm sure they will point you in the right direction to get one. I think it's important you do.
Reply 14
I never got a BCG injection - I'm unique, me! :biggrin:...and also going to die from TB.
pinkpink.. go to your GP and I'm sure they will point you in the right direction to get one. I think it's important you do.

I'm paranoid that my GP thinks I'm a hypochondriac :frown:

On the other hand I don't wanna get TB. I shall go next week :biggrin:
Reply 16
I'm paranoid that my GP thinks I'm a hypochondriac :frown:

On the other hand I don't wanna get TB. I shall go next week :biggrin:

You're not a hypochondriac for wanting an immunisation that most people get. :smile:
Reply 17
I had mine done in year 6 which seems alot earlier than most, still have the scar from it :frown:
yeh, the majority of people scar from it.
and it takes months to heal too...
I still have my scar but it doesn't goes rather nicely with my 10p piece scar from a serious burn my arm when I was 18 months.

Seriously though if you have missed it you really should go see your doctor.