The Student Room Group

Going to the same university as someone you dislike.

Ok I am in no way stupid enough to choose a university because of this, and have in fact firmed the university anyway. But I was just wondering how easy it is to avoid someone? The university in question is UCL, so it's pretty big. And the person in question isn't really someone I dislike, just someone I'd rather not see. Again. Ever. However I'm about to go enrol in the same university. Is it inevitable that I bump into this person often? Maybe even share a friendship group? Or am I going to be fortunate enough to avoid her altogether?
Reply 1
Very VERY easy indeed. Especially in London. It should be a moot point :smile:
Very easy,i know poeple i HATEDin 6th form that are at my uni and in 2 years i've never seen them :biggrin:
Reply 3
as others have said, it will be easy to avoid them, infact u wont really need to try as you are unlikely to see them anyway.

And you will undoubtably meet people you dislike no matter where you go, so there's no point in worrying about just one person.
Unless you're doing the same course or living in the same accommodation, it will be very easy to avoid people you don't like, especially in a fairly big uni in a big city.
Reply 5
Phew thanks for the reassurance. It was pretty silly of me to worry really since she's in the year above and doing a completely different course!
Reply 6
Blah I thought I'd be neg repped for that post, rather ironic that the person who advised me to 'grow up' failed to leave a name.
Reply 7
Yeah, I agree with the others. I found out that I was going to uni and would be living in the same halls as 2 people I hated. It was only by chance I bumped into them at first..I actually talk to them now, so everytime I see them, it's arranged, but if I didn't speak to them, I know I'd never, or very rarely, see them.

It is a horrible thought going to uni with someone you don't want to, but you'll make friends in no time, and if you do see this person around, you can just walk on by and ignore them. Good luck, am sure it'll be just fine :smile: x
People who neg rep for stupid reasons rarely leave a name because they're cowards. Don't worry about it. I'll pos rep you to make up for it :smile:
Reply 9
Yay thank you so much :biggrin:. It may sound silly to some people but it was something that genuinely bothered me, but like I said I feel much better after reading these nice posts so thanks all :smile:.
I'm going to uni in sept and I'm praying that none of the girls I'm at college with now, choose the same uni as mine. We'll be on the same course too and I can't think of anything worse than another 3 years with someone I already dislike.
Reply 11
There are 2 people at my uni who i went to college with and who id rather not have seen again, i didnt kno they even went to the same uni as me until i saw them both recently and were almost at the end of year 2, so id say its not a problem
People who neg rep for stupid reasons rarely leave a name because they're cowards. Don't worry about it. I'll pos rep you to make up for it :smile:

I just got neg repped in a thread about Hugh Grant- I said he was a jerk for throwing baked beans and beating up a photgrapher- the person who negged me didin't leave his/her name either.
Reply 13
I got negged for saying its a good idea to leave your phone on dual mode (3G/2G) for optimum performance! No explanation. T******.
Reply 14
I dislike a person in my class so much that I'm going to another country to study!