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Reply 1
I've found that if you stop actively seeking a relationship, something usually develops. Every relationship I've had (all two of them :rolleyes:) has started when I was not looking for anything.

As far as you being attractive... pics please


Umm i've been asked out by about 6 or 7 guys before and asked a couple out myself, of course atttractiveness is important but personality plays a massive part, for example one of the guys i went out with only really went for girls he liked personality wise. Your not an unusual specimen at all :P maybe guys have liked you but have been too shy/you haven't found a guy right for you yet :smile:
Reply 3
5 people have asked me out, I think it is due to the fact that I am good at flirting- the last guy however is now dating my sister
Reply 4
the last guy however is now dating my sister

Reply 5
I have been asked out a lot more than any man should. For a girl, no, it is not weird to have never been asked out. While generally good looking girls will be asked out more than ugly girls, this is not always the case.

Many a time after a nights drinking I have got numbers from girls who never get dates. And they turn out to be good looking often enough for me to keep checking.

Just be more outgoing - a man doesn't have to be unable to walk for you to approach or talk to him.
Reply 6

As far as you being attractive... pics please

hahaha you're funny! :wink:
Reply 7
thank you :five:
I've only ever been asked out once and that was by some random guy on the bus.
Reply 9
Really?! How'd it go?
Pretty much the only guys who have shown an interest in me have been on the internet... :s-smilie:

I've not been "asked out" as such. The only relationship I have had just, sort of, became one...
Reply 11
I've only ever been asked out once and that was by some random guy on the bus.

:s-smilie: interesting...did you say yes?
Reply 12
I attract freaks and weirdoes, and have been asked out a lot by people on the bus, out shopping or even when I worked at a museum, but the man I actually wanted to date I met on the internet, and he was the least freaky man I've ever been asked out by!!!
my ex thought he could get away with telling people i was his girlfriend without actually asking me lol, so i haven't been asked out that much.

i don't think the number of times is an adequate measure of how attractive you are, guys might be too intimidated to approach you etc and other various reasons

:s-smilie: interesting...did you say yes?

No I said no but he kept asking, then he came and sat next to me (he and I were the only passengers) and asked again. I kept saying no then said I had to get off, I had to practically climb over him because he wouldn't move.

It was scary. For months afterwards I was afraid he'd be on my bus.
I've been asked out once or twice but have said no. It's really awkward saying no because you feel like you're insulting them. It's never that they're that bad looking, just not my type in terms of both personality and looks. But is there a way of telling someone no without hurting their feelings?
Reply 16
Don't think I've ever been 'asked out', I can't think of an occassion when some guy has walked up to me and said 'will you go out with me?' in any case.

Don't most people just mutually agreed to go on a date with someone? Not sure things are generally as clear cut as people 'asking you out'.
Reply 17
what exactly counts as being asked out?

Quite a few guys from high school and uni have asked to go for a drink with them and stuff, but mostly we end up just being friends. even my ex bf didnt ask me out properly, we just kinda hung out and went to places and then he told me he liked me. the only proper time I was asked out was by a guy in school to go to the ball with him.

and don't think you're not attractive if you haven'tbeen asked out, some girls just seem more approachable than others, its proababyl just the way you come across in public
Reply 18
I've been asked out once or twice but have said no. It's really awkward saying no because you feel like you're insulting them. It's never that they're that bad looking, just not my type in terms of both personality and looks. But is there a way of telling someone no without hurting their feelings?

The classic 'it's not you, it's me'?

I don't think people would be that bothered, would you really care that much if you asked someone out and they said no? Most people probably aren't too paranoid about being turned down, they probably realise there are all sorts of reasons why someone wouldn't want to go out with them which don't boil down to 'you suck as a human being.' A lot of people probably just assume it's your loss (they had the confidence to ask you out in the first place afterall!)

Dumping people is different, that's saying 'I've sampled your personality and body and fundamentally don't want to spend any more time with you'- that hurts.
Reply 19
Yeah, though usually somebody has to make the first move. I agree it can be less black and white than actually asking someone out but a lot of the time it does happen in one form or another. :smile: