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Reply 1
Her looks, Her intelligence?, her personality, just being herself, there's no other person like her?
Surely there must be something that you really like about her.
Reply 2
haha you must know some stuff, think about what she does that you like about her.
Maybe she just isn't unique?
If im wrong, slap me but only you can really answer this question yourself!

Have a long hard think as to why you think she's unique! She must have something special/different to her which makes her stand out from other girls you've come across.

Reply 5
Maybe you realised that whatever you said was going to be a cliche, and so couldn't say anything at all? There are lots of pretty people, lots of smart people, lots of musically-talented people, for example.
Her looks, Her intelligence?, her personality, just being herself, there's no other person like her?
Surely there must be something that you really like about her.

Thing is i know plenty people who are super intelligent as i do a Med degree so that doesn't make her unique.

Her looks well again i have plenty friends who are girls who are better looking

There are things there but there not coming to if some1 told me what makes their partner unique then it may ring bells 2 me
Reply 7
My boyfriend unique that his mature, his got a good job and he has money sense.

I think I'm just the opposite to him... I can't budget (all that ends up happening is I know how much I spend!) I'm a typical 19 year old uni student and I'm sometimes stuck up my own arse......
Reply 8
my girlfriends unique because she gets my jokes :P
Reply 9
Thing is i know plenty people who are super intelligent as i do a Med degree so that doesn't make her unique.

Her looks well again i have plenty friends who are girls who are better looking

There are things there but there not coming to if some1 told me what makes their partner unique then it may ring bells 2 me

Well, you sound like a lovely boyfriend :rolleyes:

If there's nothing that makes her special to you why on earth are you even going out with the poor girl?
Why is it that girls feel the need to ask their bf's q's like this? Men don't do it do they?
Reply 11
women love to **** with your brain. they take lessons at school.
The fact that she's yours is what makes her unique.
Reply 13
jeez, if you have to ask here, then you obviously don't love your gf very much. there should be something really special about her to you, why else would you be with her and not just some other random girl?
tel h the way that she cares for you is unique and no other person can do it.
Reply 15
women love to **** with your brain. they take lessons at school.

LOL :rofl:
Ahh how i miss the ****ing with men's brain classes i used to take...shame they don't offer it at college.:rolleyes:
This sort of question is really just her wanting to know what you love about her and your relationship. It need not be unique as in she is the best at .... or the best looking etc, just what you find unique about her and her mannerisms/attitude/personality that you like. There must be things about her which you see like this for example a certain smile she does, how she knows what to say when you are upset to cheer you up, or the aspects of her personality that you admire about her, or her view on certain things in life. you say she is not the best looking girl (very harsh imo) but there will be aspects of her you find attractive, her eyes, legs, waist, smooth soft skin, whatever.

I hope this has been of some help, Ive just tried to explain why she has asked the question and the kind of thing she is looking for as Im sure if you are in a relationship with her then you will have certain things that you love about her and that is what she wants to know. She wants to know what makes her special to you and different from other gfs, or other people.
Reply 17
Why is it that girls feel the need to ask their bf's q's like this? Men don't do it do they?

My boyfriend asked me what it was that I liked about him.... :s-smilie:

If you are going out with the girl, surely there is something that you actually like about her? You are dating this girl for a reason, what is it? If you are willing to spend time in a relationship with this girl, there must be things about her that you like. Think about what she does, how she does things, what she says. What attracted you to this girl? What makes her, her? What makes you want her? If you have any feelings for this girl, it shouldn't be too difficult to answer. She doesn't have to be the best at something or stand out from the crowd, it's not about that, it's about the things that make you love her, the simple things. The way she looks at you, the way she smiles at you... You know what I mean? :smile:
Reply 18
you're asking other people to form clichés for you in order to lie to your girlfriend about ho unique you find her... does nobody else spot the irony?
"you're asking other people to form clichés for you in order to lie to your girlfriend about ho unique you find her... does nobody else spot the irony?" - or maybe he asking for help to interpret thequestion so he understands what she is asking so he can answer honestly without upsetting her by misunderstanding and saying the wrong thing??
Why so cynical??