The Student Room Group
Reply 1
an error bar is basically a point of the graph about where the point could potentialy lie. so if theres an error of 5% you would have the average or calculated value. a line up 5% and a line down 5%. does that help because its just a brief description
Reply 2
it kinda helps, but how do i work one out and put it on a graph?
Reply 3
the way we did it for our A2 bio coursework was:
plot the average, then we plotted the maximum value recorded above this point, and the minimum value below it. You then just join them together basically.
Well, that's what we did anyway...
Reply 4
yea thats a simple way of doing it. which if i remember rightly is fine for bio
Reply 5
yeah that's how we did it too - sort of a capital I (with serifs) shape with a cross at the mean
Reply 6
thanks a lot guys - you've saved me from losing some crucial marks!
Reply 7
i remember it saying : errors bars where necessary
u dont have to do them unless it would be appriopiate if so
Reply 8
if you plot error bars, do you also plot anomalous results? (as part of the error bars i mean.)
Is it the bigger the line the higher the error as you've got a big range in your results ??

I now remember my teacher talking about this and i didnt put it on my courseowrk :frown: ..
i did % error is this likely to get me the marks ??
Reply 10
this is a link to the evaluation sheet i got from my teacher, it tells you what you have to do for different marks. it is for OCR biology as level