The Student Room Group

Halls of Residence - Please Read Before Posting

Alrighty, I decided that, rather than have a gajillion threads asking us what halls people should apply for, or what's good/bad about certain halls, I thought it'd be a time saver if people who have lived in the halls, either this year or previously, could list features of each hall, so that, rather than keep pestering us, they can simply look each one up here. So, I'll give it a start with The Maltings. Also, if people could try and keep to the same format, it'll make things easier for others. Though there'll undoubtedly be someone who can't read that sentence and will make things go tits-up.

The Maltings


Quick and easily accessible transport - The #70-72 buses, and the #98 night bus stop outside the halls, and the Basford tram stop is only a few streets away.


Probably the cheapest halls, but that in no way makes it crap. You're probably paying for how close you are to campus, more than anything, really.


Free travel - I'm not guaranteeing that this will continue for next year, but residents of The Maltings were entitled to free bus/tram travel within Nottingham, which saves you around £200.


Decent nearby take-aways - all important for students at least once during your stay here. There's a chip shop, a Tandoori, a Chinese, a generic fast food take-away (SFC, pizzas, etc), and a McDonalds, all within about 5 minutes walking distance.


A short tram ride away from Asda (at Hyson Green) or Tesco (at Hucknall)



The furthest halls away from the city, it takes about 15 minutes by bus or tram to get to the centre. Allow that, and about an extra 40 minutes or so if you're travelling to Clifton by public transport.

Other info


Things can get a bit tedious with the age old "Rich side vs Poor side" arguement. Basically, the "rich side", which is the converted brewery, has the few Standard+ rooms that are available here, and the rooms are furnished slightly better (an extra shelf, a hole in the desk for any wires, and extra oven/grill), although the rooms at the "poor side" have more desk space, and flat walls as opposed to the cold coated brick of the "rich side". There's not really that much difference between the two sides though.


I'm not sure how other halls rate, but the Internet connection at the Maltings is usually a reliable, excellent service. On Counter Strike, I usually have a ping of below 50, and often around 7-15, as compared to the 300+ my friend at Peverell usually clocks, though that may be attributed to his computer.


There are four washing machines and four tumble dryers between everyone in the halls. They each cost £2 and £1 respectively. On a Saturday or Sunday, the race for the machines can get a little bit frustrating, especially when someone decides they need to take up two machines at once, and even then might use them again after their first load is finished.

(More info may come when I think of it)
Reply 1
Blenheim Halls of Residence


1. 10 Minute walk from City Centre, and University Campus
2. Good Facilities (Used to be king of accommodation, until Gill Street came along)
3. Great community feel. The halls are designed in a semi-circle, giving a greater feel of a community. With around 170+ students, We all look out for each-other, and you see eachother here there and everywhere.
4. Aldi is 5 minutes walk, and so is Victoria Centre. (Which houses' a Tesco)
Forest park is 5 minutes in the oposite direction, great for you sports people out there.
Also, there is an Londis just around the corner from the Halls.
5. Has frequent bus routes to and from the city, even though its only a 5/10 minute walk.
6. Golden Fleece Pub (may not be for everyone, but I love my Dub, Reggae, Alternative) this is the pub for you!! On Mansfield Rd. 5 Minutes from Blenheim


1. Expensive. Well,... Not in relation to Gill Street, but Maltings and others are cheaper. Also I've learnt that prices have gone up..Meh... Inflation.
2. Big Hill!. Well, I say big. If you're not fit, if you walk up it everday, you will be. :biggrin:

Other info

1. We have the BEST freshers reps last year. FACT! We will also have the best next. Muahaha.

Can't think of anything else. If people have questions, let me know. PM or whatever.
Reply 2


Quick and easily accessible transport - Straight up derby road on pretty much any of the Orange line buses (only not the unilink Nottingham University bus, that goes towards broadmarsh i think?) and you have a direct line to the uni. On the way back theres even more buses. You can roll out of bed with 15 mins till your lecture starts and still get there in time. Ive done it before :smile:


Also parking available :biggrin: very secure parking at that, but you can also park your car on the street outside.


Selection of rooms. Large ensuite. Standard rooms. Standard plus ensuites. Theres a few options.


I currently have a large en-suite, its about 3 times the size of my friends rooms in hampden. The ensuites arent those stupid pod things! They are actual rooms compared to the other halls. Massive windows in the old block so nice and light. Pretty well looked after in general and if you just go talk to the wardens any problems get sorted out pretty quickly.


You're near the biggest sainsburys in nottingham and theres a sainsburys at jacksons at the bottom of the street. Along with a blockbusters. Also theres a little arcade of shops bout 100 yards away, with a cheap pizza shop (Mr Bs!) and other usuals. (As seen in the film "This is England if youre interested :P haha)


Also "bag of nails" the local bar near by very nice, and the happy return pub, cheap nice food. good for the footy, just looks a bit crappy haha.



Bit far out. 30 minutes walk (but I have short legs:p: so it might be quicker for some others ha) but remember the good bus links.


Quite expensive. But not a touch on gill street and you are getting quite alot for what youre paying (still not quite worth the money, but halls are a rip off generally).

Other info


Ignore the big tower blocks out front. They look menacing but theres nothing wrong with them, trust me haha. Oh and lenton in general is a great studenty area. Mainly nottingham uni students but still. About half the people from where I work live there. Its a nice area in my opinion, if it werent so far out Id definately get a house there next year.

Reply 3
thanks for all the info
Reply 4
HEY i was jus wondering how you get ur keys for your halls? :s-smilie: please need desperate help lol
You collect them from the reception of your halls, on the day you arrive. I know you also need a couple of passport photos, and you possibly might need photographic ID.
I know I probably shouldn't do this, but this is kinda an important topic, so I'm bumping it back up from the second page.
Reply 7
i know this was like 4 years ago, but do these pros and cons still apply?
Original post by zedjay010
i know this was like 4 years ago, but do these pros and cons still apply?

the pros are definetly still applicable, everything that has been mentioned is still there, massive sainsburys but also got lots of other things around it. if your on clifton on anyway you don't want to be walking it to city campus or will just add unreasonable time on for yourself, all halls are kinda expensive anyway but its still reasonable prices and you have access to everything.

the tower blocks that are mentioned are flats in lenton, but they are meant to be one of the most neighbourly people in the city even though its old tower blocks and use that as a landmark and you'll find home again.
can someone do the pros and cons of peverall plz?
Reply 10
can someone please tell us pros and cons of hampden and sandby?
Reply 11
wow that info helped! thanks. what about norton court?

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