Hi Chaps and Chapettes,
This isn't my first post on TSR, not that I'm a regular. But I read in a sticky that they've apparently taken away my beloved anonymous posting feature, so I'm back with a new persona!
Since it's probably relevant to this thread, I'm a 21 year old male Engineering graduate, about to take my last entrance test to join the army as an officer cadet.
I have no idea about writing about situations like this, so I'm just going to dive in!
When I was 19, a girl that was very special to me broke off our relationship after 4 years. Considering the level of intimacy that one develops after having known a girl for then almost a quarter of your life, you can imagine how messy this break off was. I was absolutely devastated. It felt like someone had pulled a Terminator on me and had shoved a hand straight through my chest. Although not driving at the time!
I never really got a straight reason for why she did what she did, but she did it over the phone, from a few hundred miles away. As I went to Uni, I had to move away term time.
You're probably thinking that she's not worth the bother if she hasn't got the guts to tell me something like that face to face?
So did I. I put it down to cowardice, at the time anyway.
As I matured a bit in the two years since, I've had the time to think about it. I'm over her now, to a certain extent at least.
But considering our age, and the fact we'd only seen eachother for four years, I can see why she felt she had to end our relationship.
I met her once since, about 15 months ago. We played pool, and just talked. Seeing that the other one was alive, etc. The same spark was there. She smiled a lot, and relaxed almost instantly. I'm not the best judge of people's character, but I could see other people's reaction to us. They could see and feel that there was a history between us two. It was a very positive thing.
Like the first time we met.
I haven't had any contact with her since. I know a lot of her friends, but see them rarely. I don't ask them for details. As long as they say she's alive and happy, I don't want to know more.
Now, with that history in a nutshell implanted in you, the reader, I can get to my point.
As I'm joining the army, I long ago came to accept that this is a dangerous career, and I might not come back alive from where HMG sees fit to send me. I can accept this, it's why I'm joining. I do not want an ordinary, safe life. Once I've joined, seeing her will get a whole world more difficult.
I'm sure that an intelligent reader that frequents forums such as these recognise that it is unlikely I'll be killed, but it is a possibility.
Here's the point: I do not want to go potentially to my death, or at least not see her for another 5 years, without knowing if what I saw as a spark is real, or merely a damp squib, long extinguished.
I find myself wanting to ask her, in a gentle but straightforward manner, whether she has any feelings for me anymore. Not in a show of weakness. I do not feel desperate, or unhappy.
I have no problem if she says no. I consider it the most likely answer, by about a 60:40 chance.
But I don't want to throw something like that away. Let's just say that the women I've met/dated and more since haven't been in the same game, let alone league, as this girl was. If there is still something there, I'd be a fool to throw it away. It is not in my nature to go down without a fight! lol
So, TSR, the ball is firmly in your court. I need an opinion. Or five.
Ask questions, poke and prod. I have no problem with someone saying this is a bad idea, or it's stupid.
Just tell me what you honestly think!
Mr. Anonymous.