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Are they not on the website?
Reply 2
Not the January 2007 ones unfortunately
which texts? any in particular?
Reply 4
well the texts I'm covering are:
High Windows - Larkin
School for Scandal
War Lit
Lucky you :tongue:

These are the JAN 2007 QUESTIONS


1. How does Blake express in the Songs his thoughts and feelings about the loss of a happy natural life?

2. How do the songs reflect Blake's criticisms of the church in his time?


"Claudius makes a good king. He is a careful ruler and a loving husband, providing stability for both his country and wife"

"Murderer of the rightful king, Claudius is the play's hateful, lying villain"

What justification is there in the text to support these 2 views?

What is your opinion of the way Shakespeare presents Claudius?


"Laertes is the rash and foolish revenger, intent on violence at any price"

"In Laertes, Shakespeare. provides the noble, courageous revenger that Hamlet cannot be"

How do you respond to these different views?

What is your response to the presentation of Laertes?


Extract A: Rule Britannia! James Thomson in 1740
Extract B: Article which appeared in "John Bull" magazine on 12th September 1914. Horatio Bottomley
Extract C: Extract from Black 'ell in 1816 by Miles Malleson. Scene where Harold Could has just returned on leave to learn that he has been awarded a medal for his distinguished service
Extract D: Extract from Not so quiet by Helen Zenna Smith in 1930
Extract E: Before Action by W.N. Hodgson 1916

1(a) Basing your answer on Extract a and b you should:

write a comparison of the ways the writers write about their feelings for Britain

say how far you agree with the view that Thomson's song presents a more persuasive patriotic message then Bottomley's editorial

1(b) is always the same!! TYPICALITY!!

not sure how i can get the extracts through... i would have to scan them!

That's all i have right now, but when i get the rest i'll put them up here for sure!

Hope that was useful!

'explore keith's presentation and his importance in the novel'


(some extract one :frown:)
Reply 7
Ooo as we're asking does anyone have the ones for Tis pity shes a whore and Beowulf 2007 AQA (a) :biggrin:
Reply 8
do you have the jan 2007 questions for making history, millers prologue and tale and Cold Mountain.
Reply 9
Miles Malleson's play 'Black 'ell' was set in 1916 not 1816. This must be the most obscure text ever set for A level.
Miles Malleson's play 'Black 'ell' was set in 1916 not 1816. This must be the most obscure text ever set for A level.

Reply 11
little one
Lucky you :tongue:

These are the JAN 2007 QUESTIONS


1. How does Blake express in the Songs his thoughts and feelings about the loss of a happy natural life?

2. How do the songs reflect Blake's criticisms of the church in his time?


"Claudius makes a good king. He is a careful ruler and a loving husband, providing stability for both his country and wife"

"Murderer of the rightful king, Claudius is the play's hateful, lying villain"

What justification is there in the text to support these 2 views?

What is your opinion of the way Shakespeare presents Claudius?


"Laertes is the rash and foolish revenger, intent on violence at any price"

"In Laertes, Shakespeare. provides the noble, courageous revenger that Hamlet cannot be"

How do you respond to these different views?

What is your response to the presentation of Laertes?


Extract A: Rule Britannia! James Thomson in 1740
Extract B: Article which appeared in "John Bull" magazine on 12th September 1914. Horatio Bottomley
Extract C: Extract from Black 'ell in 1816 by Miles Malleson. Scene where Harold Could has just returned on leave to learn that he has been awarded a medal for his distinguished service
Extract D: Extract from Not so quiet by Helen Zenna Smith in 1930
Extract E: Before Action by W.N. Hodgson 1916

1(a) Basing your answer on Extract a and b you should:

write a comparison of the ways the writers write about their feelings for Britain

say how far you agree with the view that Thomson's song presents a more persuasive patriotic message then Bottomley's editorial

1(b) is always the same!! TYPICALITY!!

not sure how i can get the extracts through... i would have to scan them!

That's all i have right now, but when i get the rest i'll put them up here for sure!

Hope that was useful!

Thanks a lot :smile:
Damnit those Blake questions are wicked and won't come up again! :frown:
Reply 13
Hi! I'm doing Spies too. In the past i have been given an essay and a mock. Here were the questions:

1. How does Frayn present the adult world in Spies?
2. Describe and illustrate the developing relationship between Keith and Stephen.

Hope this helps :smile:
Reply 14
do you have the jan 2007 questions for making history, millers prologue and tale and Cold Mountain.

I'm doing the miller's prologue and tale too. I've been given a pack with past questions.

1. Old men with young wives are common characters in medieval literature. Explore the ways chaucer presents John the carpenter in the miller's tale.

2.Explore the ways chaucer uses 14th century ideas about the church and religion in the miller's prologue and tale.

3. Explore the ways chaucer presents 14th century attitudes to women in the miller's prologue and tale.

4. Explore the ways chaucer presents everyday life in 14th century oxford in the miller's prologue and tale.

5. What have you found interesting about the ways chaucer satirises the code of courtly love in the miller's prologue and tale?

6. In the miller's prologue, chaucer informs us that the miller "tolde his cherles tale in his manere". Explore the ways that the miller's character is reflected in the miller's tale.

Hope this helps. My teacher said to pick up on when it says in the 'tale' and when it says in the 'prologue and tale', as if i says prologue and tale, we have to mention both in our answer. :smile:
Reply 15
Hamlet is new so no questions in Jan but did anyone have the questions for Beowulf in Jan 2007?
Also, I'm doing Much Ado as a written paper - anyone know what was asked in Jan 2007?
Reply 16
Does anyone have the Winter's Tale questions for January?
Reply 17
Does anyone have the questions for A Woman of No Importance, Possession and The World's Wife?
Reply 18
Hey how is thje miller's character reflected in the miller's tale? I realise the tale is drawn straight from the lowly world he inherits but am stuck after that... help would be appreciated !

Reply 19
Hey how is thje miller's character reflected in the miller's tale? I realise the tale is drawn straight from the lowly world he inherits but am stuck after that... help would be appreciated !


You could go on to explain how the Miller's character is reflected through the characters he uses. E.g. Nicholas has a low view of women, and treats Alisoun as a play thing to get into bed. This may reflect the Miller's view of women because we have no other evidence to say any different. Also, Nicholas has a bawdy sense of humour so the Miller must do too. You could also do a comparison of the Miller and a well respected pilgrim like the Knight to show a contrast of characters.