This is a warning to those planning on living in Unite accomodation. I'm sure I've just had a bad experience, but this is a letter I handed to our office this morning. Most of these items have since been fixed, but the majority of these problems were in place over the weekend and they said no one could fix them until monday.
I'm not saying you'll have this experience so don't panic, and the majority of student accomodation I've seen is fine. Just a warning that this company is a bit slow on the uptake sometimes!
1) HOB BROKEN: cannot turn hob on without electrics for the whole flat tripping. Twice had to call sub-warden late Thursday night to turn back on. Told not to use hob until it had been fixed. Sub-warden told us an engineer would come 8am Friday morning to fix it. No one came all day. Left with no hob all weekend.
2) MICROWAVE BROKEN: microwave stopped working Friday, leaving us without 2/3rds of our cooking facilities all weekend.
3) AWFUL EMERGENCY SERVICE: (warden) considered electrical faults and insufficient cooking facilities an emergency, so Unite emergency were contacted. Told no-one could fix our flat until Monday as everyone was off, so eat takeaways and keep receipts!! Disgraceful service considering we pay nearly £4,000 a year to Unite. This would not be acceptable from a landlord so why is it acceptable from a multi million pound company?!
4) NOTHING IN KITCHEN PAT TESTED: the PAT test on 2 fridges, freezer, microwave, kettle and toaster expired in August 2006. Given the numerous electrical faults with our flat, we do not feel very safe living here!
5) BIG SHELF FALLING OFF WALL: Saturday afternoon in Room, the big shelf above the desk fell off the wall for no apparent reason, narrowly missing (mate)’s head and a computer.
6) NO TV RECEPTION: maintenance form for no TV signal handed in Monday, but as of today still nothing has been done. This has been a problem each semester.
7) LIGHTBULB’S BLOWING UNREASONABLY: Saturday morning in Room, (mate)’s light bulb blew. He changed it for a new one, and Saturday afternoon that one blew as well. Maybe a deeper electrical fault?
8) ANOTHER ELECTRICAL PROBLEM: Saturday afternoon the electrics tripped when there was only one person in the flat, and all that was switched on was a light bulb and computer. This has been a problem sporadically throughout the year.