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Anyone ever worry they're going to die a lonely old maid?

Or lonely old man, if you're male :smile: ?

Stupid thougts really...its just because the last guy I went out with (a few months ago) broke up with me because he just couldn't see it going anywhere - and espec. as that was my first actual relationship, it seems like I'm just destined to be alone for the rest of my life! And it's making me sad :frown: someone please reassure me that others feel like this sometimes!

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nope, ive allways thought there was plenty of time to think about things like that when i get to middle age.
If I die as a lonely old maid I would be somewhat suprised.
Reply 3
i think so, it must be horrible. but i think most men get to an age where they think omg im old and marry the first suitable woman they see, so it is unlikely. most popel get married, but also most poepl get divorced so if you are alone and old it is unlikley you will be the only oerson in this situation
I don't know. I'm still holding on to the hope they will have created replacement bodies by this time, and some sort of tech that allows them to replace braincells.

Reply 5
it is a worry. Although, my mind is more focussed on the short term at the moment i think.
Reply 6
Yup, an old maid with 36 cats in a shabby old flat that stinks of cat piss, and I'll be dead for 6 days when the neighbours eventually notice the smell :p:

I don't know, we'll see. I'll probably crash at my brother's or my sister's not to die alone if it happens :p:

Hopefully, i'll find a wonderful husband and we'll have a breed of brats. That's more or less the plan, at any case.
Reply 7
aww have contemplated it, would b a sorry state of affairs :frown:
I guess you just carpe diem and see what happens hmm. People always say you can't go looking for love let it find you, what a cliche!! What more can you do!
Perhaps, but wouldn't really bother me that much as long as I'm happy

I've been close to a fair few girls but never had anything even vaguely serious asides from one rather unfortunate drunken threesome which in retrospect was probably the silliest thing that i let myself be dragged into in my entire life.

I'll see what comes my way at uni anyways...there are a lot of people in the world and surely someone would be crazy enough to prevent me dying a lone bachelor...
Reply 9
Yes. But I'd rather be single and happy (possibly with many many cats) than in a relationship just for the sake of it with someone I didn't care much about or didn't treat me right. Hell, if Bridget Jones can bag Mark Darcy, I'm sure I can find someone!
Reply 10
When I think about my boyfriend and I, the thought of not being with him scares me. I love him very much, and i'm very lucky to have him but I have a fear of losing him. It sort of feels like that after him, there would be nobody else therefore i'll die a lonely, old lady with lots of cats. I know it's crazy, cause there is plenty of time to find love but I do have a fear of dying alone. I want to share my life with someone.
Reply 11
We all die alone.
Reply 12
Yup, all the time. It makes me sad :frown:
Reply 13
is this the feeling that 30 year old liflong players get which forces them into marriages which ultimately end in divorce?
Reply 14
Unless you're suffering from a terminal illness, i see no cause for concern to worry about anything that far into the future at the moment.
Reply 15
I'm going to die a lonely old maid! =D I know this for sure!

And I'll be one of those evil old grannies who chases children off her property while wielding a double-barrelled shotgun, because I'll be horrifically bitter by that time, and who better to take it out on than annoying little brats? :p:
Reply 16
We all die alone.

That's deep man
i think so, it must be horrible. but i think most men get to an age where they think omg im old and marry the first suitable woman they see, so it is unlikely. most popel get married, but also most poepl get divorced so if you are alone and old it is unlikley you will be the only oerson in this situation

and women dont, the urge to have a family is usally stonger in the female of a speices due to genetic imprinting
Reply 18
Yes. But I'd rather be single and happy (possibly with many many cats) than in a relationship just for the sake of it with someone I didn't care much about or didn't treat me right. Hell, if Bridget Jones can bag Mark Darcy, I'm sure I can find someone!

I'm already mentally naming my cats. The first one will be a silver tabby called Munkustrap
I see myself living in a little house with dozens of cats :p:

anyway I usually go into relationships expecting WAAAAAY too much.. so from now on I'm gonna take it easy.. see how things go.. not worry so much, after all I'm only 20!