Is anyone else like this? If not, then do you have advice for me to stop being such a wuss?
I do think there is something psychological in this, I get attached very easily I think because I did not receive affection, approval or kindness from my father. When a man in my life shows me even a hint of these things I fall head over heels in love I can't stop thinking about them even when they reject me as it's always in a friendly or situation appropriate manner (e.g. my old boss, my old male counsellor, male friends etc.). Although the guys would never know it's not like I blow up their phones or harass them but on the quiet I'm absolutely heartbroken and obsessed.
I'm in my 20s now and I'm fed up of this. I've never been close to man in all my life. How can I stop acting like a fool so I can actually find a decent and healthy relationship?
What you're describing isn't love in its purest of forms, it's infatuation.
You're filling the void that your father left you with guys you meet and are infatuated by.
The only way to do this is realise that you're not in love with them before you get sucked into the same old routine.
I understand that it's not love in the sense that I've never experienced it. Nonetheless my problem remains, or perhaps is worse for this. I know I need to keep some distance though it's really hard. Even now I have been avoiding the guy that I was last admiring for weeks now with NC but this weekend I just felt so lonely and couldn't stop thinking about him and how I could give him everything if he would just give me a chance. I know that's so lame
I'm sorry that my initial post wasn't that helpful and I didn't elaborate. It might have seemed a bit brutal but it's just that this is probably stemming from how your father has treated you and it's a deeply psychological thing- almost like how your brain was wired as you were growing up. So it's not your fault nor is it something you can 'easily' work on to change. I would suggest trying to work on building a relationship with your father- if he is quite stoic I know it's difficult, but that might help. He does love you he probably just doesn't know how to show affection. Is your mum still around? How did your father treat her? Could you talk to her about it? Maybe understanding why he's like that or has been like that would really help you too. Maybe you need some cognitive behavioural therapy as well. As this is about your behaviour as a result of your cognition- so you need to work on changing that which is what CBT does. Feel free to PM me and once again I apologise if my initial comment wasn't helpful but it certainly wasn't meant to be as offensive as it may have looked at first.
I hope it's not too late to rewire my brain.
I think you are right he does love me but unfortunately doesn't not know how to express emotions, other than anger. Probably to do with his own upbringing. I strive to be the opposite to him and be open and expressive but it's not healthy to be so. I don't want to be cold and emotionless like him.
Yes my mum is still around and has kept me sane. They are actually still married but he treats her like rubbish, threatens to walk out on the family, spends little time in the home, is very controlling and abusive towards her. I grew up an only child and I wanted so desperately to help her be happy whilst at the same time have his approval. I felt like my presence and love wasn't enough to hold the family together and I still feel guilt over that.
Seriously, why are so many guys on here are just (only a four letter word would fit here).
Honey, it's understandable. Women are wired in some ways to seek emotional reassurance first. There's a saying that men look for sex and find love, and women look for love and find sex. I would say it would be good to try to build on yourself first and do more things that you love and enjoy and become a full person in just yourself.
Regarding to relationship, it may be good to date several men at once so you don't latch on to one person straight away and can see who you are truly attracted to and how you feel about them. Take it slow. It will take time, but it's good you are seeking help.
I'm uncomfortable at the thought of dating more than one man at once Although it would probably be healthier for me. How do I get over that?
I'm definitely working on me as well and have been for sometime, but oh these crazy moments
I used to be like that, just now I've been in love with the same girl for 5 years now despite the fact the doesn't love me back and I haven't seen her for 4 of those years.
Can't see me ever falling for someone else.
Awww that's really sad All I can say is life is short and only comes around once so don't waste any more time on her. Some girl will recognize your worth and could give you a shot at happiness but you won't even see it if you are blinded by the past.
I pledge not to waste my time any more or people who don't give a rubbish.