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Reply 1
you should really just use the treatments for warts and wear a plaster until it heals .
Reply 2
Unless you've got the root out it will grow back :smile:
Reply 3
yea chances are itl grow back, plus youve left yourself with a nice open wound youre going to have to keep clean. keep your eye on it and use proper treatment next time
Reply 4
This is one of the best threads in a while, "just hacked off a wart."
Reply 5
Well there was a weird bit inside that I pulled out afterwards... It didn't bleed but has gone all scabbed overish.... Hmm... Canes a bit less now. Got one on my thumb which I might have a go at later....
Reply 6
Should be fine. I cut off the end of my finger a while ago and I was told that as long as you cut off less than a 5p it will fully heal over and grow back.

Not that I know much about warts, but still. If it's bleeding lots, then it might help the pain to keep it raised in a sling on your shoulder or something, but all you can do really is just keep it clean.
Reply 7
Cheers, I'm down the pub tonight so I'll dip it in alcohol every now and again (vodka probably) to keep it clean. :smile:

Lol I sound like I'm trolling the forums here, but it is/was a genuine question!!!
Reply 8
That just made my body shiver.
Reply 9
That just made my body shiver.

Just think, when you're nursing, you'll be dressing wounds like that...
How rank! Don't doctors do it properly for free?
I dug one out once too. It actually went away. I do have a very slight scar :s-smilie:
i ahd one on ma foot, i just cut it off, it regrew, so cut off again, regrew, cut off again, regrew, ot was painful but i didnt mind the pain. Then i got annoyed so i dug in with a knife and it stopped.
Reply 13
You do know that warts actually have a root? As long as you've got rid of that, it won't come back. If however, you haven't got rid of the root, it'll just grow back.
Reply 14
Seriously UNrecommended treatment here, guys. Just use an over the counter remedy rather than mutilating yourselves!
Reply 15
But if you're emo and have a wart it's like two birds with one stone, right?

I have had warts frozen before, but it took 6 or 7 PAINFUL goes at the wart clinic which is why I got the knife out. :smile:

It feels better now though :smile: Just a crater like a black head would leave.
Reply 16
Gosh, that's a nice description...

Oh yummy, a blackhead crater! *shudders*
Reply 17
I agree with lessthanthree - it sounds satisfying as hell. Almost made me wish I had a wart myself.

*Hangs head in shame*
To be honest, I think if you got an over-the-counter gel for it you'd end up doing pretty much the same thing.

I once had a wart on my hand. I tried putting the stuff on every night, picking it off etc but I just ended up with a bigger pile of anti-wart stuff on my hand. Until one day my dad said "hang on, let me have a look" and proceeded to attack the thing and try and scrape it off in whatever way possible to me going "ow". So I did end up with a painful crater, but I never had any trouble from that wart again.

I'm just saying that even if you get the proper stuff from the chemist you have to be pretty damn vicious in order to remove the bugger. Had the same problem with a verruca on my foot a couple of years ago.
I think it's fine. I used to have a wart and it annoyed the hell out of me so I filed it back with a metal file, haha, and then pull the rest out. And it never came back :smile:
Just make sure your doesnt get infected.