My boyfriend and I are at different unis and so that we don't waste the entire day talking on MSN, we plan to 'meet up online' at a particular time. But he rarely ever comes online, usually because he just forgot or alternatively because he forgot that he has some kind of a commitment for that time. Sometimes he actually says "I have volleyball", but doesn't say when and then makes an appointment with me and doesn't come and then says "I told you that I had volleyball!", but he didn't say when. And so I come online and wait for ages and he doesn't come until hours later and he says sorry and explains and I always say it's fine but in reality it really gets me down. I've told him this before, but he says "I'm sorry, I forgot" as if apologizing solved everything. I'm really in love with him and I look forward to us talking for the whole day and then when he makes me wait it really disrupts my studying because I am completely paralyzed.
Another problem is that I've been suffering from really negative moods lately. I'm barely ever just happy, there's always an undercurrent of negative emotion and a lot of the time I'm deeply sad.
Just looking for some help on both issues.
Oh, and before anyone asks about how old I am, I am 19 in the first year at uni.
Thanks **