I will sound utterly ridiculous in this post to some ppl, so I'm warning u, those that have zero tolerance, please stop reading now.
Basically, I started university in September, made friends with many people, but my "group" soon became one boy and two girls. One of the girls and the boy started dating and I am truly happy for them, they make a cute couple. Anyway, so me and this girl were really close until I kissed her brother from back home.. He was drunk, I was quite sober and I backed off eventually but I didn't immediately because I was confused and didn't know what to do. Anyway, so we had a bit of an argument, whereby this girl told the other one the odd bitchy comments that I had made about her (which were completely out of order but it takes two people to bitch, i.e. it was her too)... Things seemed to have gotten out of hand but eventually they got sorted. I apologised for kissing the girl's friend and also to the other girl for the few bitchy comments.
Things really did seem to be getting back to normal- only problem is that I now feel very left out. The other two girls seem to be getting very close- this easter they have met up and gone shopping (its probably because they live half an hour away from each other whereas I live two hours away), and they always seem to be communicating on the ever so popular facebook and on the phone. I wouldn't say I'm jealous- if they want to be best friends, by all means be my guest. The problem here is my paranoia. I'm paranoid that they are bitching about me, or plotting something against me. I haven't even said or done anything wrong to anybody since the argument, I've been civil and normal with everyone, so why do I feel that the world is against me? Why is it that no matter what I do for any of the girls, I don't get appreciated?