The Student Room Group

How did you meet your bf/gf? and which is most likely?


How did you meet your other half?

I can think of

Through friends
Through family and cousins
Through primary, secondary, college, universitiy
Through work
Through chatrooms
Through dating sites
Throught meeting random strangers on the street, holiday, bar, club, pub, concert etc

I can't think of any more, I think the most likely is through school?

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I met my current one outside the gates of the local Primary school, yep.
I met my current one outside the gates of the local Primary school, yep.

Shes a teacher I hope.
Shes a teacher I hope.

No, but she's final year. And we're in love.
Reply 5
MMM 11 year old's.
Reply 6
I met my boyfriend online at:

We've been together for almost a year-and-a-half now.
I met my boyfriend through a friend.
Been together nearly 17 months now.

Reply 8
I met my boyfriend through my society at university :smile:
Reply 9
I met my bf in a club, through friends kind of.
we got talking and he had liked me before I even knew who he was and then 5 months later here we are , bf and gf and I love the bones of him :]
I met my bf on a chatroom, been with him 7 months and going good so far :smile: Except for the whole 400 mile distance thing....
Met my gf through friends who were desperatly trying to hook me up with someone (because they thought it would b funny somehow), and i agreed to go to the cinema with my mate and his girlfriend who would also be bringing her best friend along who i just hooked up naturally.
My ex i met through his stepsister and my current i randomly started talking to him in the sub in freshers week then realised he lived downstairs.
Reply 13
Met my boyfriend on TSR ;yes;
Met my ex in a pub but he turned out to be a wally! lol! Lots of ppl are now friends with ppl b4 they start dating them.
myspace for me.
Reply 16
High school...:smile:
Reply 17
TSR! :biggrin:
Bogs at KFC.
My friend introduced us.
Been together nine months and I couldn't be happier, he's amazing.