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Friends :(

Im year 11 with two weeks left at school. Next year I am going to sixth form in a new school (which I am really excited about!) I've had a group of friends for ages, pritty much through secondary school. But in the last few weeks they've been acting really immature and nasty..asin talking in private all the time, not waiting for me at lunch time etc.
I have other friends to go with so it's okay, but it's the fact they're doing it that really annoys me. I dunno what to do, shall I confront them about it? Or leave it because I only have two weeks left.
They're not coming to my new sixth form so I wont really see them again (except one, she had an interview so might get in..)
Any help please :smile:

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well since you have been with this clique for so long I would confront them - just so that your mind is at ease - coz you have been friends for so long and you will continually wonder ---
from my experience: I had this girl ignore me for about 2 months - I confronted her, she had no reason really and we agreed to forget about it - 2 weeks later, same thing - I wasn't fussed anymore, just ignored her coz school [year 13] was coming to a close and we were gonna be moving on with life - and I knew that I hadn't done anything wrong simply because she didn't have a reason when I asked her!!

so confront them - see if they have any valid reason - just to calm your mind really - if you guys do forgive and forget that'll be good - but if you don't, as you said, you have other friends
Definately say something but at the end of the day - you will make new friends as the "lets stay in contact" *******s tends not to really work that well in this day and age
Reply 3
I have confronted them and they do this fake "awww im sooo sorry i didnt mean to" act, and then have the nerve to say "GO AWAY WE WANNA SPEAK IN PRIVATE!"
Its like erm..
Reply 4
If you feel like confronting to see them why they are acting this way do it.:smile:
If not just leave them two of my friends went weird for a while a few weeks back but that's because one of them were going though a difficult phase though which they ended up explaining.
just ignore them then - you don't need them -- and like Darren said - the whole 'lets stay in contact thing' never works really - within 4 months of uni I lost contact with everyone - which was a shame really - but I have great friends now so it's alright really
And like you said in your first post - you have other friends that you can hang out with - and well you now know that you really haven't done anything coz they don't even give a reason! - so just leave them be
I have confronted them and they do this fake "awww im sooo sorry i didnt mean to" act, and then have the nerve to say "GO AWAY WE WANNA SPEAK IN PRIVATE!"
Its like erm..

sorry but they sound like a bunch of 5 year olds. Be the grown up and move on and let them have their stupid little click of friends. Pre-pare yourself for sixth form, where no-one will know you and you can start a fresh, with no one judging you. Look forward to the experience and forget about the stupid friends you're leaving behind.
Reply 7
Thanks everyone :smile:
Im just a bit concerned that the "leader" will get into the new sixth form Im going to. She keeps making comments such as "OH WHEN YOU GO TO THE NEW SIXTH FORM YOUR GONAN SIT IN A CORNER NOT CHATTING TO ANYONE WHEREAS IM GONNA HAVE FRIENDS"
Its like whats the point..its a bit irritating now, I wish she doesnt get in :frown:
edit: Yeah they do act all immature, they literally run around screaming and shreaking and we get dirty looks from people on the street. They like jump around and have "private jokes" etc.
well leaders don't get far really - coz if you think about it - where would they be without their flock of sheep!? :rolleyes: they never get far if they don't have adoring fans - and when you are at sixth form- things change - you will have better friends - and if she tries to piss you off - stand up for yourself
Good luck to her - let her have her stupid ways. Like i said before, just act the grown up and move on. You'll make new friends! Just dont give her ammunition to use against you, like acting to their level or making a fool of yourself (not that you are). Go to the college and be overly nice to as many people as possible.
Reply 10
She'd be nowhere without her sheep!
I guess you are right, I'll just rise above them..I have my exams soon and should focus on that rather than them.
exactly!! your exams are more important than these stupid people!
Thanks everyone :smile:
Im just a bit concerned that the "leader" will get into the new sixth form Im going to. She keeps making comments such as "OH WHEN YOU GO TO THE NEW SIXTH FORM YOUR GONAN SIT IN A CORNER NOT CHATTING TO ANYONE WHEREAS IM GONNA HAVE FRIENDS"
Its like whats the point..its a bit irritating now, I wish she doesnt get in :frown:
edit: Yeah they do act all immature, they literally run around screaming and shreaking and we get dirty looks from people on the street. They like jump around and have "private jokes" etc.

That's utterly pathetic. :rolleyes:

It sounds as if you're much better off without them; I used to know people like that and life improved dramatically when I got shot of them! Go to your new 6th form having shed your image as "one of those idiots" (or some worse word that I can't really use here) and make your own friends on your own terms.

As for the leader...well, if she acts like that, she'll make new friends who acts like fools. You can just ignore her and get to know actual adults. Then you have the slightly stuffy but nonetheless enjoyable pleasure of rolling your eyes to your new friends when she goes screeching past and saying "I'm SO glad I don't hang out with her any more". You can all give her sneery looks. That can be YOUR private joke. No one said you have to act adult ALL the time. :p:
Reply 13
Yeah you're right, in lesson I listen and do my work (which is reflected in my rsults) they just sit there drawing over each others paper
:rolleyes: immature brats they are
Reply 15
Basically the leaders really like LOUD and immature, she runs around on the streets and stuff and the general public jsut stare at her asin "freak"
In the new sixth form..revenge!!! :ninja:
Dont let them ruin your exam results - i may sound like a teacher now, but they are important exams which will have an impact on the rest of your life (no pressure or anything). let them piss around in class, ten years down the line when you've been to uni or got a-levels and they're working in McDonalds or something like that, then you can be the one laughing
Reply 17
Yep its right, they're not worth my gcse grades. I spent so much time worrying about them that it kinda took over, now I need to just focus :smile:!
Reply 18
i had a group of best mates through secondary school. we all used to have rows n stuff like young girls do. i went away for a weekend with two of my closet friends in the january before our GCSEs. i was really ill when we were away (glandular fever it turned out) well they decided to tell everyone i was pregnant n spoilt their whole weekend. i didnt speak to either of them since then.

i am now almost leaving college, i started knowing not very many people but now i am leaving with my bestest ever friend...after knowing her for two years.

the best decision i ever made to not speak to them again.

BUT just because that was the best thing for me, doesn't mean it's the same for you. it was really hard at first and i used to cry myself to sleep coz i had no real friends at college! (lol) i got over it, and am i better person n friend now

good luck! ull love college! xx
Reply 19
A very similar thing is happening with my friends at the moment too. :frown:

One of them constantly says "I can't wait to get away from this stupid school. And meet new friends. I hate lunch times. They are sooo sooo boring" :rolleyes: Frankly, i have no time for her at the moment.

And some of my other friends are turning out to be spoil brats, who continally act like 5-year-olds, and think it's funny to sing loudly and run around.. *sigh*

What's annoying is that i have made friends with another group of people recently, who i get on with great, but each one of them are going to different colleges.. :bawling: Whereas, most of my current friends [bar one] are going to my Sixth Form.

Hopefully, next year, they will mature a bit more. :smile: