The Student Room Group
OP for both...neither are particularly 'nice' though...
Reply 2
but is OP single sex floors throughout?
Reply 3
Yes, to the above, but that doesn't matter in the slightest!
Reply 4
been across in manchester for the last couple of days and I think that ther is virtually any difference between the two halls based on which is more fun, ther both *****holes to be fair, but I think to make a decision on ue preferred accomdation, u shud think about whether u wanna be self catered or catered? other than tht the two halls r virtually nxt to each other on the same campus area, and alltho i only visited fallowfield durin the day the area was packed full of students, and seemed to hav a very gd potential for a great nightlife with all its bars, takeaways, shops and clubs.

Just about to put my accomdation choices in.. this is wat i hav so far (want self catered but in fallowfield for the lively campus..)
3. ???
If you have oak house as your first choice you'll most likely get it so i wouldn't worry too much about your 3rd choice.

I put oak house as my 2nd choice and got put here. I must say i'm glad to be moving out of here in the next month to a house, but i think it was the best place to live for the first year. It's been a laugh. Self catering > catered as well.
Reply 6
Yeah self catered is better tha catered, and althouh Oak House isnt aesthetically pleasing everyone I know has SO much fun there.
been across in manchester for the last couple of days and I think that ther is virtually any difference between the two halls based on which is more fun, ther both *****holes to be fair, but I think to make a decision on ue preferred accomdation, u shud think about whether u wanna be self catered or catered? other than tht the two halls r virtually nxt to each other on the same campus area, and alltho i only visited fallowfield durin the day the area was packed full of students, and seemed to hav a very gd potential for a great nightlife with all its bars, takeaways, shops and clubs.

Just about to put my accomdation choices in.. this is wat i hav so far (want self catered but in fallowfield for the lively campus..)
3. ???

I have the same problem with my 3rd choice! I am thinking Sheavyn, but I really hope I get my first choice, Oak House sounds v lively plus it has the plus side of being cheaper than both Richmond and Sheavyn (though both are a lot nicer).

What course are you going to be doing?
Reply 8
I think if you put Oak House as your first, you'll most likely get it as other people have said, so I wouldn't worry about a third, but anyway, i'd put Whitworth maybe?

My application looks like this though...

1. Owens Park
2. Owens Park
3. Owens Park
I think if you put Oak House as your first, you'll most likely get it as other people have said, so I wouldn't worry about a third, but anyway, i'd put Whitworth maybe?

My application looks like this though...

1. Owens Park
2. Owens Park
3. Owens Park

Niiice... can you actually do that?
Reply 10
Wherever you live you are pretty much guaranteed to have an amazing time.
Oak house and OP are very similar..its just the catered vs self catered bit.

I'm in Richmond Park this year and i've had an amazing year.
Personally i would go for Oak House. But they are practically rhe same..
Reply 11
Niiice... can you actually do that?

Well, i'm not too sure but i did it anyway. I'll find it hilarious if they put me in Whitworth park or something lol.
Reply 12
but is OP single sex floors throughout?

nah, OP Tower has mixed sex floor throughout, I should know. I'm there right now!

as for the rooms, ones in catered halls are bigger and nicer than ones in self catered halls because in a catered hall your room is all you get (apart from a freezing cold skanked up common room that only gets used for mass drinking games) but in self catered accommodation you get a kitchen/living area (also pretty delightful!) so the Owens Park Bedrooms are about twice the size of Oak House.
Neither is exactly luxurious though!

if I were you then I'd just make the choice based on food.
Reply 13
I thought the floors were single sex.
Reply 14
basically, the layout of each floor of tower is like so:
the - is where the lifts/kitchens/common room areas are, and each l has 6 people living on it.

l l

with red and blue being the opposite sexes of your choice, that's how the floors are split.
They have single sex areas as the toilets/ showers etc are in the middle between the rooms and it's easiest to share them that way, but the floors ARE mixed sex.

you can really tell that I should be revising!! :rolleyes:
Reply 15
Ohhhh thats right. I remember now. I got confused before. Everytime i stay in the tower i get lost.
Reply 16
When I was applying to accommodation at Manchester University, all I found about Owens Park online was scathing reviews. I ended up going with my gut instinct and applying there, and it was one of the best decisions of my life. While it may look old and dated, there isn't a better place that you could be if you're a student at Manchester. It is the social hub of the Fallowfield campus, packed with students. The layout of the halls (excluding Tower which is a little different) sees you share as a block of 30 (three floors of 10), with each floor designated to a gender. Each floor shares two toilets, two showers and a small kitchen for cooking at weekends. The food is better than what i would be cooking alternatively. Everyone gets the bus from here to uni (its far worse being at a campus nearer to the uni buildings - you'll have no social life with any flatmates there). The social opportunities are endless and you will meet amazing amazing friends. It was the best year of my life. Thankfully I wasn't put off by the people slating it. I had so much fun and managed to balance that with a demanding course too. The people I know who lived in Victoria Park campus or City campus had no friends in halls as everyone was apparently terribly antisocial. Maybe the sort of people writing those reviews are the type who want to complete their course without leaving the library or having an iota of fun? I could not recommend Owens Park enough.
Original post by yjs022
When I was applying to accommodation at Manchester University, all I found about Owens Park online was scathing reviews. I ended up going with my gut instinct and applying there, and it was one of the best decisions of my life. While it may look old and dated, there isn't a better place that you could be if you're a student at Manchester. It is the social hub of the Fallowfield campus, packed with students. The layout of the halls (excluding Tower which is a little different) sees you share as a block of 30 (three floors of 10), with each floor designated to a gender. Each floor shares two toilets, two showers and a small kitchen for cooking at weekends. The food is better than what i would be cooking alternatively. Everyone gets the bus from here to uni (its far worse being at a campus nearer to the uni buildings - you'll have no social life with any flatmates there). The social opportunities are endless and you will meet amazing amazing friends. It was the best year of my life. Thankfully I wasn't put off by the people slating it. I had so much fun and managed to balance that with a demanding course too. The people I know who lived in Victoria Park campus or City campus had no friends in halls as everyone was apparently terribly antisocial. Maybe the sort of people writing those reviews are the type who want to complete their course without leaving the library or having an iota of fun? I could not recommend Owens Park enough.

You really like bringing ancient threads back to life don't you?