The Student Room Group

Nasty Football Foul - ouch!

I was playing football today on the local park with some kids (years 7-8) and some guys my age (late teens).
I was doing my attempt to be like Ronaldo and run with the ball on the wing. But some kid (only about 5ft tall) slid in from the side and caught my foot. I lost my balance and went flying - grazed the whole of my right leg/knee/elbow on some rough hard grass - ouch!
I didnt want to make a big deal of it - so carried on (with my clothes rubbing the graze)
I got home and inspected the damage and there are some deep cut-like grazes. :s-smilie:
Any tips how to stop the pain? Please don't say I need to go to the Doctor because a kid fouled me!
Reply 1
Plaster or bandage something. Common sense really.
Reply 2
Dettol or whatever it is, or savlon or any antiseptic wash. Won't stop it hurting but will keep it clean.

Other than that take an aspirin or paracetamol you big wuss.
Reply 3
1987 College Guy
I was playing football today on the local park with some kids (years 7-8) and some guys my age (late teens).
I was doing my attempt to be like Ronaldo and run with the ball on the wing. But some kid (only about 5ft tall) slid in from the side and caught my foot. I lost my balance and went flying - grazed the whole of my right leg/knee/elbow on some rough hard grass - ouch!
I didnt want to make a big deal of it - so carried on (with my clothes rubbing the graze)
I got home and inspected the damage and there are some deep cut-like grazes. :s-smilie:
Any tips how to stop the pain? Please don't say I need to go to the Doctor because a kid fouled me!

ronaldo usually dives before his opponents get a chance to foul him, maybe that's what you did wrong? :p: :smile:
Least you weren't tackled by a girl like I was, I still have a bad ankle from it :biggrin:
Reply 5
pft call that a foul? :p: when you said nasty i was expecting a post about how a stud was stuck in your hip or something :p:
bit of antiseptic cream and let it air. put some gauze on it if you need to wear clothes over the top. keep it clean and just leave it to heal. when it scabs over put some e45 on it and dont pick it!
Reply 6
deep heat use it on everything got me through a cup semi final when i could hardly walk that stuffs great. For cuts thought id do the usual wash it out, tcp then dress it with bangages.

Although thats only if it was a very very very bad cut, i meen if its a graze just wash it and leave it.