Hi, I'm thinking of applying for medicine 2008 at either oxford or cambridge... but I really can't make my mind up! i know it's up to me in the end but if you could give me some advice it'll be helpful. these are the factors I've considered so far:
- location: I don't want to be too far from home and ox is definitely better for that (40 mins, directly by the oxford tube) than cam (~2 hours).
- city: i like the oxford city much better than cambridge because it's bigger, more things to do, better vibe, not just a uni town. i'm worried that i'll get bored after a few years at cambridge.
- BMAT: not sure which one's better really. I'm not confident AT ALL on the bmat so maybe it's better to apply to cambridge because the majority of applicants would get interviews, but then i got pretty strong GCSE grades (10A*) so maybe ox's selection system would be to my advantage?
- course: i really like the fact that at cambridge you can have a whole range of choice for your 3rd year, whereas at ox i think you're limited to the medical sciences BA.
- competition: cambridge's med course is bigger so maybe it'll be slightly less competitive (probably untrue though). cambridge apparently has a lower applicants
lace ratio (~5 applicants per place) than oxford (~7 applicants per place?) but i know you can't really trust statistics.
either way, if i manage to get in i would like to transfer to london for clinicals.
any help would be muchly appreciated!