Thanks to this government's wonderful ideas with regard to student finance, myself and my mate will get absolutely no help from the government at all, having to make all our money of off our own backs, where as our mate who lives with his unemployed mum with a doctor for a dad gets the full wealth of the grants on offer...
However I was looking at the student loan stuff more closely and basically if you are in or have ever been in a marriage/civil partnership then you become an independent student and so your parents income no longer plays a part. Essentially this could be worth in the region of £15,000 for both me and my mate (so a total of £30,000 in all)
Is there anything to stop us getting a civil partnership for a laugh and in a year's time just getting it dissolved? Would we be breaking any law by getting one, is there a law that says people getting married/civil partnershiped have to love each other/live together etc?