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facebook ppl ignore me in reality

Hi! this is slightly odd i find.

I'm in college at uni so i added a few people at my same college of residence to my facebook as i wanted to make friends. They added me too and I started to chat to them.

The following day i go and say hello to this girl in person who i added and with whom i'd chatted a bit. she totally blanked me after i introduced myself. the following day i saw her waiting for a friend n as i was passing by i went n said hello again. she replied and then stared straight through me after that.

Later on that day, my gf tells me she'd written on someone elses wall calling me a stalker and was really scared!!!!

My gf's advice was just to completely ignore her. i'm not exaggerating and i'm not a weirdo. it's bizarre
Reply 1
Try not to worry about it, it was only one girl. :hugs:

Just add some others from your college, and they should be more than willing to talk. :smile:

I know that if someone added me on Facebook/MySpace, i would talk to them in real life. ;yes;
One, or both, of two things have happened:

1. The girl doesn't want to know you. She has poor social skills and/or doesn't want to talk to you anyway, but does so on Facebook when she has no one else to talk to.
2. She thought she had a well-established e-friendship with you and didn't see why you were suddenly changing everything.

It's not as if this is everyone you're talking to, right?
Reply 3
I usually find that a persons popularity on myspace/facebook is inversely proportional to their popularity in realy life. Don't worry. Of course, you get the odd exception, but as a rule............
So one girl blanked you, who in fairness, you dont know and have chatted to a few times on facebook. If she blanks you and looks through you, then move on to someone who actually does wanna chat, she's obviously giving you a sign that she dont wanna chat.
Facebook is completely unrepresentative of how many friends you actually have. With the first girl just say "Don't flatter yourself love, anyone with a brain would realise I was just making conversation, not stalking you" and leave it at that. Just ignore the second. It is hurtful behaviour but people are bitchy like that and aren't worth your time. I once said hi to guy who added me on facebook when I bumped into him at a formal and I could tell he didn't have a clue who I was :rolleyes: It's quite pathetic the lengths some people will go to make themselves look 'popular'...
Reply 6
I usually find that a persons popularity on myspace/facebook is inversely proportional to their popularity in realy life. Don't worry. Of course, you get the odd exception, but as a rule............

:dito: Although, i know lots of people who are exempt from that rule.. :smile:

Lots of people who are horrible in real life, seem to have 1000's of friend's on MySpace.. :rolleyes:
At the end of the day - Facebook + MySpace aren't really a justification of how many friends you have. Its all good and well seeing old friends from work and that, but if they were truely your friends you wouldn't need these systems to talk to them.

I've been on them and messaged some old school friends but when i comes to actually ringing them, no one's up 4 it. I've spent a year almost messaging some old friends. Why not let me ring and speak on the phone rather than through soem website?
Reply 8
Facebook and the rest of those sites are a waste. Just talk to people on msn or something. And who cares about that girl, shes probably trying to act like the cool girl.