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things to say to boyfriend

ive been going out with him for about 2months and he's wild on me which is how it started. hes a great person but initiative i wasnt physically attracted now i am. he knows im not great with words but i just want to tell him sometimes and reassure him how much i like him. i dont know what to say, what sort of things do you say?

for guys there are so many things they can say to girls "you look beautiful, gorgeous, angelic, sexy etc." but what can i say back!! apart from fit and he isnt your typical hot, sexy fit lad and he wouldnt want to be referred to like that.

help i just want to make sure he knows how much i like him!!

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Reply 1
Gorgeous? Funny?
just 'i really like you' or 'you have a nice body' or 'i love your (insert feature here - hair/eyes/etc.)'

Reply 3
Gorgous, lovely, amazing, sexy....You could say "I love the way you....."

I would tell my boyfriend he looked angelic however he reminds me more of the devil... :biggrin: ...

Just tell him what you really think. If his amazing, tell him, if he makes you smile, tell him, if his clothes look good, tell him....

If his being a pain....tell him....If his bum looks big in his jeans...tell him! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
Reply 4
Tell him what you like about him. Simple but so under-rated.
Reply 5
In before someone suggests "I love you"

fake edit: DAMN! :p:
Reply 6
Try this.:wink:
Reply 7
oh noes! thesaurus'd...

Tell him how you feel? The truth? Honesty? :smile:

You shouldn't need to try, it should just come naturally :biggrin:
Reply 9
'You look at me like a sex offender. I don't like it.'
I find you genetically compatable. Let us recombine DNA.
Reply 11
"You're so lovely" ?
"Yous so cute lil snugglebug"
I told my boyfriend he bothered me, in the best way possible though as he's on my mind quite a lot.
i like being told -

"you're the best boyfriend in the world"
"I love the sqidge around your stomach (lol)"
"you make me feel so special"
"you smell so nice, i just want you"
"i love you muscles"
"you have a gorgeous smile"

sadly enough men like being complimented too, like girls.

oh yeah, and not forgetting the male fav (lol lol lol)-

"i love you that much, that i want your babies"
Reply 15
seriously, four simple words

'your penis is huge'

he will love you forever!
Yeah you can call guys many things but it is hard to know what they will really appreciate.

some guys even like it if you call them beautiful...which seems odd lol.

Just tell him what you think is right at the time.

if you find it difficult, focus on a certain part of his body or his personality.

Whatever you say, he'll be happy :smile:

good luck xxxxxx :rolleyes: :p: :redface: :biggrin:
Reply 17
If anyone said a lot of the things on this thread to me, I'd almost feel insulted or sick; definitely a sense of indirect embarassment. They're all so contrived. Be natural.
Reply 18
If anyone said a lot of the things on this thread to me, I'd almost feel insulted or sick; definitely a sense of indirect embarassment. They're all so contrived. Be natural.

Even if they said you had a huge penis?
lol indeed , whats un-natural about commenting on size?