The Student Room Group
depends how long you've known the girl for
hmm, could just be random, or yes she's probably interested. Or could be just to ask so she knows if she can flirt or not. Who knows.
From past experience when I've been out, its 99% of the time, to find out if you're on the market or not. It saves them wasting time if you're taken
Reply 4
I ask guys because I am nosy :smile:
I ask guys because I am nosy :smile:

Haha me too - also as a conversational tool when you first meet someone. If I ever was genuinely interested I would never ask straight out because I'm scared that I would look desperate, so I would employ more subtle means like Facebooking or casually asking mates. :wink:
It only looks desperate if you blurt out after learning their name "do you have a girlfriend?" If it's done more casually eg. when i was chatting up a fit guy in freshers week i said "so, have you left a girlfriend behind to come here?" which is a bit more ambiguous. :smile:
Reply 7
Hell, i bet he saw right threw that :P
Reply 8
what if youve already met before or known each other for a while
Haha me too - also as a conversational tool when you first meet someone. If I ever was genuinely interested I would never ask straight out because I'm scared that I would look desperate, so I would employ more subtle means like Facebooking or casually asking mates. :wink:

likewise! I wouldn't ask someone I was interested in romantically cos if the answer was yes I wouldn't trust my facial expressions not to give away my disappointment.

I tend to ask if its someone I've only just met or am not that fussed about (in that way)
Reply 10
what if youve already met before or known each other for a while

Before she asked, when was the last time you had seen her or spoken to her? If its been a while, she could have just asked by means of catching up with whats going on in your life. Like if i havnt seen a mate in a while, during conversation i'l normally ask about their love life.
if she aint knwon me for loing, then being friendly. if known for ages then maybe wants to get it on.
I ask guys because I am nosy :smile:

Same :biggrin:
Hell, i bet he saw right threw that :P

Yeah, strangely enough we never did get together :p:
Reply 14
I never ever ask a guy. This does lead to problems though, I once spent all night flirting with this guy and we had loads in common, I though I was in there, and he handed me his phone, and I was about to type in my number ... and he said "look at the lovel message my girlfriend just sent me, it's such a shame she's not here" .... I was not impressed. I dont know why but I always assume guys are single ... Have to stop doing that