The Student Room Group

Sentimental problems with a clasmate :(

When i come back from easters, I was in the plane thinking that i have only 2 months in spain in the uni, I am not going to stay five years for my degree, I am moving to uk.

In this moment, in the plane, I realized that i only have one chance (maybe two) in the month of class, cause from may28th to june13th I have exams. I ordered a coke in the plane and i started to write something for her. The day before the flight i was shooting a documentary in a winery and i had a lot of tiem to think the words between shot & shot.

I give her the poem via msn and well she says the same **** of always "Oh... i dunno what to say... give me time" I gave her one week and no response.

Last saturday i was in the same bar and she ignore me. I feel so bad, I mean make the effort to express something to then what, ignorem we weren´t the best friends in the world, but well we have a friendship for the uni and some party days...

I could copy the text here, but it´s in spanish :frown:

This nite i was so... angry so... sad I went with a swedesh friend and we go to the irish rover and ten minutes a pull out her friend, and it worked.

I mean in this part I am happy, I never I imagine myself with a girl like her...

But this is not my style, I dunno like one night stand relationships.

It´s curious, I always have problems with the girls of my country (Canarian and spanairds, well.. with girls of catalonia not) I mean my personal relationship was with a swedish girl and a german girl before uni.

My father always said to me that i need to have more spanairds friends, I have it, but foreign people are more interesting for me.

Well.... let´s go with the subject.

What i could do with this girl, I mean... forgive about her and try with other uni girl?

Sorry for my english.

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Hola, bienvenido al foro :biggrin: (Si prefieres puedo hablar en Ingles, pero quiero intentar español.)
Has dicho que hay una chica en tu clase que te gusta, pero no siente lo mismo por ti. (?).Es posible que le has asustado porque tus poemes fueron demasiado intensos. Podría copiar el texto aqui y intentaré a traslarlo. Sin tenerlo es difícil a ayudarte. :smile:
*feels Spanishly deprived and unhelpful* (yes, it's a word!)

Anyway, OP, I'd advise you to see how things go with the new girl, since the one you wanted to date seems uninterested (or at least indecisive). I doubt you'll get anywhere before you have to leave, unfortunately.

My English is dreadfully colloquial, sorry. Maybe Angrybanana can translate! :smile:
Hola, bienvenido al foro :biggrin: (Si prefieres puedo hablar en Ingles, pero quiero intentar español.)
Has dicho que hay una chica en tu clase que te gusta, pero no siente lo mismo por ti. (?).Es posible que le has asustado porque tus poemes fueron demasiado intensos. Podría copiar el texto aqui y intentaré a traslarlo. Sin tenerlo es difícil a ayudarte. :smile:

Yeah, what they said!!!!!

Reply 4
Hola, bienvenido al foro :biggrin: (Si prefieres puedo hablar en Ingles, pero quiero intentar español.)
Has dicho que hay una chica en tu clase que te gusta, pero no siente lo mismo por ti. (?).Es posible que le has asustado porque tus poemes fueron demasiado intensos. Podría copiar el texto aqui y intentaré a traslarlo. Sin tenerlo es difícil a ayudarte. :smile:
you need to translagte what you said or its against the rules :smile:
:biggrin: Heh, what I said was: "Welcome to the forum, (if you prefer I'll speak English but I want to have a go at Spanish) You said there's a girl in your class you like but she doesn't return your feelings. Maybe you've scared her off a bit because sending her poems was quite intense." I asked him to post the text and I could try to translate it. I thought it would be easier to help the guy if we knew what this text said :smile: I probably made loads of mistakes in the spanish but hey, it's the thought that counts :p:
Reply 6
I don't think she likes you to be honest. Her saying that she needs time sounds like she is trying to avoid telling you the truth.
Reply 7
Ok, I copy the text in spanish, if someone wants to translate it, it´s good for me.

"Han pasado dos semanas desde que me planteé escribirte algo, no acostumbro nunca a escribir de forma premeditada algo a alguien por la que siento algo, esas palabras salen de la nada, pero no aparecen cuando uno quiere.

Pero por suerte las palabras aparecen, ahora mismo a un montón de miles de metros de altura han aparecido, aunque han llevado un proceso de maduración, como una botella de vino desde que se recogen las uvas hasta que fermenta.

Trece horas al sol en una bodega de vinos sin hacer apenas nada dan mucho tiempo para pensar, e incluso para echar una cabezada y permitirme el lujo de soñar en algo especial.

Por unos minutos, volví a casa, pero no volví solo, mi subconsciente se acordó que te había invitado y de repente estabas allí...

Caminábamos por el monte, cerca de la casa vieja de mi abuela, camino a la montaña de la breña, en busca de aquel lugar especial, aquel banquito en la subida a la montaña, ese banquito donde se puede ver toda la cumbre, se escuchan los animales de las fincas aledañas y el mover de las hojas.

Aquella esquina donde está la caravana abandonada, los columpios, el asadero, un caluroso día palmero que en el monte no lo es tanto.

Es curioso, la chica por la que hice aquel largo viaje hasta esa isla perdida de la mano de dios, se llamaba Ana, creo que si fuera necesario volvería a realizar aquella "odisea" por una chica como tu, pero por suerte eres de un pueblo de Extremadura no de la región más al norte de Alemania.

El tiempo pasa, desde aquí arriba se ven las cosas tan pequeñas y tan rápidas,
como recuerdos que pasan los ojos cerrados tras un largo viaje,
impulsado por un viento irreal,
llegando a un lugar artificial.

Supongo, que quizás ni siquiera tendré la valentía de mandarte estas líneas,
pero si la tuviese, solo espero que saques tus conclusiones, y que hagas lo que creas conveniente.

Lástima que esto no sea un papel escrito,
de esos que se pueden guardar escondidos en un recoveco o puede ser quemado en una hoguera a las orillas del báltico,
pero esto es lo que tienen las nuevas tecnologías.

Supongo que siempre quedará pensar en lo bonito de los sueños,
que se pueden revivir una y otra vez,
aunque no se puedan hacer realidad.
Ya que cuando estos se hacen realidad pasan de ser sueños a ser recuerdos.

Esta vez dejaré que la vida planeé sobre mi y haga que cosas mejores que mis simples ilusiones se hagan realidad en vez de planear miles de proyectos."

I am going to make me a tattoo with "Don´t make poetry for girls"

I am going to make me a tattoo with "Don´t make poetry for girls"

that has just made my day. :biggrin:
Reply 9
Two weeks have passed since I put myself to write something for you, I am never used to writing in this premeditated way to someone I feel something for, these words come from nothing, but they don't appear when you want them to.

But luckily the words appear, in this moment many thousands of metres of hieght have appeared, although they have had a process of maturing, like a bottle of wine from when they collect the grapes until they ferment.

13 hours of sun in a (place where they make wine) without hardly anything they have a lot of time to thing, including that to nod off and allow the luxury of dreaming something special.

For some minutes, I returned home, but I didn't return alone, my subconscious remembered that I had invited you and maybe you were there...

We walked along the mountain, near the old house of my grandma, I walk to the mountain of undergrowth searching for whichever special place, whichever little bank in the slope of the mountain, that bank where one can see the whole summit, hear the animals of the village estate and the movement of the leaves.

Some corner where the abandoned caravan, the swings, the oven, a hot balmy day on the mountain, isn't so much.

It's strange, the girl for whom I took this long journey to this island lost in god's hand, she was called Ana, I think that if it were necessary I would return to carry out whatever odyssey for a girl like you, but luckily you are from the town of Extremadura and not the region further north of germany.
Reply 10
Time passes, from here above one can see things so small and so fast
Like memories that pass through closed eyes after along journey
Driven by an unreal wind
Arriving at a fake place

I suppose, that maybe I won't even have the courage to sned you these lines,
But if you were to have it, I only hope that you will reach your conclusions, and that you do what you think right

What ashame that this won't be a written paper
of thosethat one can save hidden in a nook or that can be burned in a bonfire on the shore of the Baltic
but this is what new technologiwa have

I suppose that one will always think of the beauty of dreams
that one can revive time and time again
although one can't make them reality
Now that when these become real they stop being dreams and become memories

This time I will let life plan arounf me, and make that things that are better than my simple illusions become reality instead of planning thousands of projects"
Reply 11

Winery = Bodega de vino
bodega de vino=vineyard i think
Wow, nice one Helenkr :smile: I didn't know banquito=bank, i struggled with that.
Reply 13
it isn't vineyard- that's where they grow the grapes :biggrin: It can be winery but we don't actually have anything similar in English so it's best explained by a description :smile:
Reply 14
vineyard=la viña o el viñedo in my islands would be the translation

From the WordReference Supplement © 2006

winery nf bodega

Off topic!
Dammmm!!!!! This is what you wrote? I'm going to have to take some notes of this, very powerful and romantic!!!!!!!!

Reply 16
Yoda does not agree with poems. Yoda will suggest telling it straight.
Reply 17
You have to see my other writings, send me a pm when you learn spanish.

Yeah master yoda, I know, I pull out that swedish and the force was with me.
Reply 18

Yeah master yoda, I know, I pull out that swedish and the force was with me.


I agree with yoda, just tell it straight. I don't think a poem could change her mind, and if it does, I'd doubt about her feelings then.
Reply 19
I salute her today and she didn´t say anything,**** her!
Some brit girl could help me with my grammar plz :smile: