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Reply 1
Bin it & get a new one. Just to be on the safe side
Reply 2
lol 42p for more water is hardly a fortune. Dont put your life at risk
Reply 3
Bin it & get a new one. Just to be on the safe side


Especially if its 100% concentrated.
Bin it & get a new one. Just to be on the safe side

:ditto: It's nasty stuff.
Reply 5
take it on a night out!
take it on a night out!

Hah, or that. Like your sig btw! :wink:
Reply 7
okay is there a risk with it? like whats the chances? cause it isnt a disposable water bottle i might cost me like 5-10 pounds to get a new proper one and I cant afford that.
Reply 8
okay is there a risk with it? like whats the chances? cause it isnt a disposable water bottle i might cost me like 5-10 pounds to get a new proper one and I cant afford that.

10 quids or your life? you can choose :biggrin:
Okay so i accidently spilled some ethanol into my water , if I just wash my water bottle with soap and then I can start using it to drink again?

lol you're actually asking people's opinion on this?

did you expect someone to say, yeah drink from the bottle!
Reply 10
okay is there a risk with it? like whats the chances? cause it isnt a disposable water bottle i might cost me like 5-10 pounds to get a new proper one and I cant afford that.
how did you get it in there anyway!
Reply 11
How do you 'spill' ethanol into a water bottle? If it's £5-10 I'm assuming it has some kind of sports cap which would make it especially difficuly. This is why you shouldn't be eating and drinking in labs. I assume what you mean is 'I poured some ethanol in my water bottle'
bin never know how pure the ethanol is..
Reply 13
Darren Marc
lol you're actually asking people's opinion on this?

did you expect someone to say, yeah drink from the bottle!

If he does and he doesn't go blind, gimme a shout, I smell cheap weekends!
Jesus... I can't believe you feel the need to make a thread on an internet forum about this! Just buy another bottle of water.
Personally I don't see the harm in it. Ethanol is extremely volatile so it would evapourate out anyway.

Someone will probably have a go at me for saying this but, if you could put vodka or any alcoholic drink in a sports bottle, why would it make any difference now?

Just adding hot water would boil off the alcohols. I've accidentally drank nitro methane and methanol before, and that's alot worse.
Reply 16
Yeah, it's not like the stuff's going to seep into the plastic. Apart from anything else, most plastics are non-polar (being just hydrocarbons..), and ethanol is polar so neh.

As Hixxy says, just add hot water. Or put it through the dishwasher or something.
Reply 17
I don't think it would do much harm if you rinse the ethanol out with water.

BUT, you really should assume that there may be other chemicals spilt in the water bottle as well - you never know in a lab.

As a rule of thumb - do not bring food/drinks to a science lab!!
Reply 18
Jesus, I wish all I had to worry about regarding health & relationships was a plastic water bottle. Some people get all the luck.
Reply 19
okay thanks for your help guys, my mum washed the water bottle out with water + soap used for cleaning plates.

And my water bottle is like those below

how it spilled in? -> i just messed around and my water bottle cap was open (i wuz drinking a bit) while the teacher was out. we where doing experiments.

The ethanol they use in schools is methylated. Don't drink from the bottle.

Srry to sound like a noob, but what does it mean by methylated?