The Student Room Group
So bars are the place where people invite you when they really like you?

Never heard that one...
Reply 2
How old are you both?
Agony Aunt
Met this guy in the club the other day and me and my friends went to his friends house for a party. He just spoke with me as he did with all the other girls but he messaged me the other day and asked if i got home the other day etc and today asked to come round mine and bring drinks.

Does this mean he just wants sex? Because if he liked me he would have asked me out to a bar or something wouldn't he..?

or maybe he likes you and wants to get to know you somewhere he can actually hear all the interesting things you are saying?
I don't think it really screams out that he just wants to get you in bed. Not many men would have contacted you a couple of days after knowing you to see if you got home okay. For all you know, he could be inviting you over for a nice dinner.

Not all of us men just want sex with the first woman we like!
Reply 5
We're 18.... I don't know it's just a lot of people made me thinking into guys just want sex if they want to come to your house.
or maybe he likes you and wants to get to know you somewhere he can actually hear all the interesting things you are saying?

Thats what resturants are for. Personally, I would be wary if he wants to be in a seculded place with you after meeting you once. It's nice to be idealistic and think that its all perfectly innocent but these times arent idealistic ones !
Thats what resturants are for. Personally, I would be wary if he wants to be in a seculded place with you after meeting you once. It's nice to be idealistic and think that its all perfectly innocent but these times arent idealistic ones !

All very well if you can afford restaurants :rolleyes:

If you're worried make it into a small party with a couple more mates so there are people around but you can still get to know eachother better.
Reply 8
Darren Marc
I don't think it really screams out that he just wants to get you in bed. Not many men would have contacted you a couple of days after knowing you to see if you got home okay. For all you know, he could be inviting you over for a nice dinner.

Not all of us men just want sex with the first woman we like!

Speak for yourself.

Arrange to meet him somewhere public, (pub, bar?) and see what he says. That should pretty much answer your question.
Why do you call yourself an agony aunt when you keep asking us what to do in situations? Anyway he could generally want to get to know you better.
god, a restaurant for an almost first date is my idea of a nightmare. If the conversation is painful, you have no easy escape. Meet in public, for a coffee or something.
given that he has asked you back to his and to bring drinks, he probably is interested in you, and whether or not he expects to get lucky on the first night you can be fairly sure the thought of having sex with you has crossed his mind
Lol if I was a betting man I'd bet my left you-know-what that he only wants sex.
Reply 14
men like sandwhiches