The Student Room Group

statement of entry error

There's an error on my statement of entry for june exams... 4 units for one of my a-levels is entirely missing! not on the statment!

My teacher says i have been entered for them though as she said she spoke to the exams officer about it.

But if this is the case, why aren't the units on my statement?

This hasn't happened to anyone except me! i'm really worried about it.

They're apparantly trying to get them to send me another statement, with the missing ones on. But I can't trust the college because they're so disorganised!

Shall I just take their word for it, and not worry, and believe they entered me?
Talk to your exam officer directly. If you haven't been entered, they can still enter you, although it might cost a bit, but your school should pay for it because it's their mistake.
Reply 2
talk to your exam officer.

I spent the whole of last year being told I was being entered for Mechanics 1 in maths and I heard the conversations and seen the memos and emails between the maths teachers and exam officer.

I got entered for Statistics :p:

If it isn't on your statement of entry, you're not entered. Go sort it out.
Reply 3
If it isn't on your statement of entry, you're not entered.

Is this true?

If so, my college is messed up, because they told me I was definitely entered. I'm so angry.
Go and see your exams officer yourself, just in case.
Is this true?

If so, my college is messed up, because they told me I was definitely entered. I'm so angry.
It depends on if it was an official statement, since some schools (including mine) have their own ones.
Reply 6
Here's an update on the situation...

Apparantly, for the subject that wasn't on my statement, the teacher inadvertadly forgot to enter me, thus why it wasn't on the statement, but apparantly she entered me AFTER this.... so apparantly I am entered. That's what the exams officer said anyway...

The exams officer said she will get me confirmation that I am entererd.

So now I have 3 questions...

1 Should I believe/trust this?
2 Should I expect a new statement of entry, with my missing units on?
3 If I get a new statement, will it just have the ones that were missing on, or will it have all my others on? (which were on my last statement - all AQA by the way)
Here's an update on the situation...

Apparantly, for the subject that wasn't on my statement, the teacher inadvertadly forgot to enter me, thus why it wasn't on the statement, but apparantly she entered me AFTER this.... so apparantly I am entered. That's what the exams officer said anyway...

The exams officer said she will get me confirmation that I am entererd.

So now I have 3 questions...

1 Should I believe/trust this?
2 Should I expect a new statement of entry, with my missing units on?
3 If I get a new statement, will it just have the ones that were missing on, or will it have all my others on? (which were on my last statement - all AQA by the way)

1) Yes. Your teacher and your exams officer have both said exactly the same thing and they'd gain absolutely nothing by lying, so you have no reason not to believe them.
2) Yes.
3) You'll probably get an updated statement with all the exams you've been entered for.
Reply 8
You're right, I got an updated statement.

All the units were correct. The statement was one that got especially printed off for me though, so it's on white paper rather than blue...

However, even though the units are correct, they are listed in a different order to my old statement... guess it doesn't matter, but is that worth worrying over?

Sorry for the worrying everyone, I'm just a guy that can't relax lol
You're right, I got an updated statement.

All the units were correct. The statement was one that got especially printed off for me though, so it's on white paper rather than blue...

However, even though the units are correct, they are listed in a different order to my old statement... guess it doesn't matter, but is that worth worrying over?

Sorry for the worrying everyone, I'm just a guy that can't relax lol

I doubt the colour of the paper or the order of the entries matters. You can stop worrying now :p:
Reply 10
I can't believe your teacher forgot to enter you :O
It's always good to get a fresh statement - however truthful the exams officer or the like may have been, the statement is 'proof' so to speak that you've been entered - so if you roll up at the exam hall and they're not expecting you, wave it in their face and you must be allowed to sit the exam.
Reply 12
It's always good to get a fresh statement - however truthful the exams officer or the like may have been, the statement is 'proof' so to speak that you've been entered - so if you roll up at the exam hall and they're not expecting you, wave it in their face and you must be allowed to sit the exam.

Would my statement count as proof though? Because it's different looking to everyone elses, it's on white paper rather than blue, and nothing is on the other side of the sheet (the 'notes' section is on the front side, underneath the unit entries)

It still says 'candidate statement of entry' though, with my name, candidate number, and UCI on, so should this be ok?
Reply 13

It still says 'candidate statement of entry' though, with my name, candidate number, and UCI on, so should this be ok?

I'm sure it's fine, really. My 3 different Statements are different colours.
Chill :smile: